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Which is Better? Saving up Design Points or Using them?

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medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
Which is the better strategy to use?
Should I save up Design Points for future seasons (as I'm in Elite so I need to think more strategically) and rely on my TD?
or should I use my Design Points up after a race has finished like I normally do?
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
It depends on your championship standing atm,are you fighting someone?And I have never read a thread about saving the design points for next season lol
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
Design points aren't carried over to the next season. You will lose any that you don't use after the last race.
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
Design points aren't carried over to the next season. You will lose any that you don't use after the last race.

It depends on your championship standing atm,are you fighting someone?And I have never read a thread about saving the design points for next season lol

oh, okay then, I thought there would have been such a tactic but looks like I was proven wrong....
I'll still see what happens if I do save them up anyway
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
Design points aren't carried over to the next season. You will lose any that you don't use after the last race.

It depends on your championship standing atm,are you fighting someone?And I have never read a thread about saving the design points for next season lol

oh, okay then, I thought there would have been such a tactic but looks like I was proven wrong....
I'll still see what happens if I do save them up anyway

When you tell someone that the bridge is about to collapse but they decide to walk across anyway just to see if you were right :)
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
Design points(DP) do not carry over the next season and seeing that only 3 or 4 races you have left this season you should just apply it.
Next season everyone will have their new car designs according to their CD level. If you see your car is not comparable to the best car i.e. if your car is more than 5-6 points behind in every area then you can save your DP for the first few races. Since the larger the gap the more points you get from the research. Thus you can assign DP after few races and you will have a comparable car to the best car.
medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
Design points(DP) do not carry over the next season and seeing that only 3 or 4 races you have left this season you should just apply it.
Next season everyone will have their new car designs according to their CD level. If you see your car is not comparable to the best car i.e. if your car is more than 5-6 points behind in every area then you can save your DP for the first few races. Since the larger the gap the more points you get from the research. Thus you can assign DP after few races and you will have a comparable car to the best car.

ok, thanks. I think that will be the strategy I might use in the next season, save up points early and rely on TD. I'll then gain more points that way and then add DP to further improve my cars.
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