How important is Talent? Does anyone really know how this stat works? Is a 20 talent with low stats quicker than a 1 talent with high stats all being of equal physical stats? Does it act as some kind of multiplier? If so, then do we know it's value?
I found the previous thread where this issue was discussed at some length. Here is a link if you're interested...
Link to earlier driver talent thread
Thanks I will take a look.
Thanks Boomer for the detailed reply.
In my race today on my other team, my opposition blew me awa, beating me by 19.3secs. Her car is about 6pts better than mine. She qualified 0.5secs quicker than me which has never happened before. We were both on 100% engine and both had almost identical setups S-H-H 10-19-18-19 and she had S-H-H 10-19-19-18. After the first stint she had gained 6.2secs on me.
Her driver is talent 7, mine is talent 2. Both drivers are maxed out on Physicals, but my driver has 7 points higher in stats and her driver has 1 more experience point.
My driver
Her Driver
How could her driver manage to get such a big victory when if it wins, usually it's between 1-2 second difference.