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scroll through the leaderboard on mobile app

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medal 5000
6 years 209 days ago
I think would be nice, in the mobile app, if we could scroll through the leaderboard... as we can do on computer....

Sometimes when I'm just on mobile, I would like to see the lap time of some players, and I cannot do this. I can only see the two player beetween me.
medal 5000
6 years 209 days ago
Good idea
medal 5000
6 years 207 days ago
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't play on the phone.
medal 5119
6 years 182 days ago
This is a good idea, I just don't know if it's possible in current mobile viewer engine.
medal 5000
6 years 181 days ago
If you tap on a car, you follow that car around the track, and see it's lap time, plus the 2 around it. Then you tap the swap button to jump straight back to one of your cars.
medal 5000
6 years 181 days ago
If you tap on a car, you follow that car around the track, and see it's lap time, plus the 2 around it. Then you tap the swap button to jump straight back to one of your cars.

That doesn't happen, at least with me. If I tap another car I keep seeing information from mine.
medal 6312
6 years 180 days ago
If you tap on a car, you follow that car around the track, and see it's lap time, plus the 2 around it. Then you tap the swap button to jump straight back to one of your cars.

That doesn't happen, at least with me. If I tap another car I keep seeing information from mine.

Sounds about right, I don't ever recall it being what Ryan described.
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