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In-App Notifications

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medal 5000
7 years 145 days ago
It'd be good, if the app can notify you when the race is about to start (maybe 30 mins before). I haven't been at home the last 2 afternoons, and I forgot about my league. I could have set up my car at least for the race instead of doing nothing, but I forgot.

A notification would be good to remember that you're in a race day ^^
medal 5088
7 years 145 days ago
I spoke to Jack about this maybe one or two months back...we both agreed that it is a sorely needed feature that must be added once the bugs/stability issues are sorted out.
medal 5000
7 years 142 days ago
More than a notification for the race, personally I would be useful to notify me if I have something left to do in preparation level.
medal 5000
7 years 138 days ago
I've been thinking about this, and there are a number of notifications I'd love the app to utilise:
HQ upgrade Complete.
Race about to start.
New Mail.
Staff/Driver in your shortlist becomes available.
Drivers are at full health.
Someone posted on the league page.
You win a bid, or are out-bidded on a driver/staff.

I'm sure there are more, but that is all that comes to mind right now.
medal 5000
7 years 138 days ago
I've been thinking about this, and there are a number of notifications I'd love the app to utilise:
HQ upgrade Complete.
Race about to start.
New Mail.
Staff/Driver in your shortlist becomes available.
Drivers are at full health.
Someone posted on the league page.
You win a bid, or are out-bidded on a driver/staff.

I'm sure there are more, but that is all that comes to mind right now.

Auctions that you are in that are about to finish
Maybe a notification on when your race finishes too would be a nice addition, just in case you are too busy to view it live
Also a notification if your driver/drivers either seated or reserved hit full 100% health and can be trained again
just a few extras off the top of my head lol
medal 5000
7 years 138 days ago
oh wait you had my last one already written down lol, scratch that
medal 5000
7 years 137 days ago
I've missed another 2 straight races. I don't mind what type of notifications you put, but I think this is something *we* need to improve the gameplay.
medal 5000
7 years 136 days ago
I've missed another 2 straight races. I don't mind what type of notifications you put, but I think this is something *we* need to improve the gameplay.

Dude, if you forget it so much you can always set an alarm on mobile xD
medal 5000
7 years 135 days ago
I've missed another 2 straight races. I don't mind what type of notifications you put, but I think this is something *we* need to improve the gameplay.

Dude, if you forget it so much you can always set an alarm on mobile xD

I can't have an alarm ringing on my mobile while I'm on the library or at university...
medal 5000
7 years 135 days ago
Shouldn’t you be studying anyway? :D

No I do agree though; a notifications system would be great as I frequently travel across many time zones and miss out on valuable build and training time.
medal 5000
7 years 134 days ago
Me too
medal 5000
7 years 67 days ago
please make it possible,the most important is to notify for example half an hour before the race start.
medal 5000
7 years 67 days ago
I can't have an alarm ringing on my mobile while I'm on the library or at university...

Ok, so a reminder then. Pretty sure most calendar notifications respect if the phone is on silent mode.
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