Katzuia Stark medal 5000 7 years 152 days ago
My league is that: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=34185
Can you edit my calendar's league placing races every day?? We had modified the calendar to sleep a bit to follow the Japan GP of F1. We want to start our league on Monday! Thanks!

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 152 days ago
Hi Michele, you can just delay your next race to your desired date in league settings.

Katzuia Stark medal 5000 7 years 151 days ago
EDIT2. We decided to play every day. I am not able to edit my calendar. Help us!

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 151 days ago
The reason you cannot change to playing every day is because the current season calendar is not allowed to be adjusted, only for future seasons.
I will put in a request to change the calendar to racing every day.

Katzuia Stark medal 5000 7 years 147 days ago
Fix it please, otherwise tomorrow we can not run. Please

Katzuia Stark medal 5000 7 years 146 days ago
Fix it we wanna play today at 22.30 Italian Time

Olivier Duquesnoy medal 5000 7 years 146 days ago
Bonjour je ne sais pas si je suis sur la bonne page pour cette demande mais ce serait bien que pour la stratégie de course on puisse connaître le temps pour chaque circuit que dur un arrêt au pit cela permettrai de faire des stratégies très décalées.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 7 years 146 days ago
I have set it to run every day from tomorrow. :) Just missed it for today. :P

Katzuia Stark medal 5000 7 years 146 days ago
Thank you Jack. Great work. =)