Bright Red tires on ''Push hard'' are now faster than those players trying to balance the orders of their driver to maintain optimum temperature of the tires.
From my point of view, this is not true. Yes, there are drivers still maintaining an awesome speed with bright reds, but whenever I had a look at the details it was clear, that they are dropping speeds as well. They may still be fast, fast enough or faster than me, you or whomever, but they do lose speed.
Means: They would be even faster, when not running on bright red.
That - in my opinion and with what I learned - can be seen in the laptimes-chart after a race, when second, third or fourth lap out of pits is the fastest of that run.
So we just have to accept - again from my point of view - that those drivers are better than we are.
Bright reds are - in my opinion - still a disadvantage to any driver. Of course better drivers are maybe better with handling those BBQ-tyres. Whatsoever.
Doen't matter - from my point of view - as Andrew said to change that. Theres nothing more he could do at the moment - from my....getting on my own nerves with that rubbish...point of view
From my point of view.
Greets from my point of view
Lord "in my opinion" Hesketh