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Two races on the same day. AND IN A ROW!

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medal 5000
7 years 133 days ago
I've already seen many small bugs in the game. But yesterday something very bizar happened in a league that I am member.

We have iGP races on monday, tuesday and thursday. Yesterday (monday(, it was scheduled the Hungarian GP.

The race happened naturally, without problems.

But after finished the Hungarian GP, the European GP (that was previously scheduled for tuesday) immediately started!

Actually, I suspect that the European GP started before the Hungarian GP finished. Because when I entered, 12 laps had been completed!

So, because of this, we will not have race this tuesday. So, this week we have two races on monday and one on thursday, instead monday/tuesday/thursday...
medal 5088
7 years 133 days ago
Hi Felipe, I've bought this to the attention of our developers for investigation. I'll keep you updated.
medal 5088
7 years 132 days ago
The European GP should be reset now. Does it look okay?
medal 5000
7 years 130 days ago
Hello. The European GP was reseted and we raced again! Thank you for the help!
medal 5088
7 years 130 days ago
You're welcome! :)
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