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More Excitement for winning a championship.. Maybe money or tokens

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medal 5000
7 years 129 days ago
Isnt much exciting when you finally win one......
medal 5000
7 years 129 days ago
É uma expectativa muito grande.
medal 5000
7 years 129 days ago
Important post guys... 100% agreed. Havent any different if you finnish 1st place or 5th.
medal 5000
7 years 129 days ago
Yes there should be some kind of animation at the end of season and after every race that would be good!
medal 5000
7 years 128 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 127 days ago
Yes, I agree. I think some money rewards, a GP podium at the end of the race, another podium for best three managers at the end of the season, and some distinctive badge or cool gold letters for the champion for all the next season would help get a little more excited.
medal 5000
7 years 120 days ago
I agree. Even just a screen saying congratulations or something. Also, a message saying you got the reputation bonus.
medal 5000
7 years 120 days ago
Seria ótimo um premio de incentivo por concluir um objetivo de equipe na temporada, como acontece na F1 real. Equipes fracas brigando por posição no campeonato, equipes fortes brigando por campeonato de pilotos e construtores, isto é algo que fará diferença na hora de cada gerente novo ou experiente de executar seu melhor momento na temporada toda ;
medal 5000
7 years 120 days ago
Deve haver premiações no campeonato de pilotos e de construtores, isto será muito bom para todos, desde novatos até experientes gerentes..... Ou por exemplo: Tokens para os 3 ganhadores do campeonato de pilotos e de construtores, número de Tokens decrescente do 1° ao 3°.... E para os 7 outros colocados ( do 4° ao 10° lugar nos 2 campeonatos, construtores e pilotos) a premiação poderá ser em dinheiro, também decrescente.
medal 5000
7 years 120 days ago
Isso seria excelente, pois o jogo requer muito dinheiro e tokens, todos enfrentam problemas financeiros e o jogo requer isto. Seria mais disputado e animador com esse apoio ao gerente.
medal 5088
7 years 119 days ago
Isso seria excelente, pois o jogo requer muito dinheiro e tokens, todos enfrentam problemas financeiros e o jogo requer isto. Seria mais disputado e animador com esse apoio ao gerente.

Please post in English when outside of the foreign language forum, thanks.
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 119 days ago
Deve haver premiações no campeonato de pilotos e de construtores, isto será muito bom para todos, desde novatos até experientes gerentes..... Ou por exemplo: Tokens para os 3 ganhadores do campeonato de pilotos e de construtores, número de Tokens decrescente do 1° ao 3°.... E para os 7 outros colocados ( do 4° ao 10° lugar nos 2 campeonatos, construtores e pilotos) a premiação poderá ser em dinheiro, também decrescente.

I see a good idea here (giving some tokens to top 3 and money to top 10).

It is a simple idea, but a real problem as it can create cash cow Leagues with 1 manager playing alone.
medal 5000
7 years 117 days ago
i agree there should be some sort of reward... not only for the winners, but also for let's say top 5: in many leagues there are 2-3 people fighting for the lead and few others who cannot be on par but are not; so at least you give the others something to fight for except relegation. to avoid cash cow leagues you could activate this feature if there are at least X players in that league (let's say 5 or more)
medal 5000
7 years 116 days ago
Hi zusammen.also für die 5 besten teams einer Liga sollte es echt Preisgeld geben für die plazierung am ende der Saison. Manchen geht echt das Geld aus.das wird dann langsam langweilig und so werden Spieler automatisch inaktiv.
Genau so kann es nicht sein das man dien ganze Saison harte reifen fährt und jedes rennen gewinnt, obwohl andere medium nehmen und langsamer werden nach 5 runden.denke hamilton wäre nicht Weltmeister geworden wenn er nur harte gefahren hätte ;)
medal 5000
7 years 114 days ago
Hi zusammen.also für die 5 besten teams einer Liga sollte es echt Preisgeld geben für die plazierung am ende der Saison. Manchen geht echt das Geld aus.das wird dann langsam langweilig und so werden Spieler automatisch inaktiv.
Genau so kann es nicht sein das man dien ganze Saison harte reifen fährt und jedes rennen gewinnt, obwohl andere medium nehmen und langsamer werden nach 5 runden.denke hamilton wäre nicht Weltmeister geworden wenn er nur harte gefahren hätte ;)

Please post in English when outside of the foreign language forum, thanks.

I see a good idea here (giving some tokens to top 3 and money to top 10).
It is a simple idea, but a real problem as it can create cash cow Leagues with 1 manager playing alone.

i agree there should be some sort of reward... not only for the winners, but also for let's say top 5: in many leagues there are 2-3 people fighting for the lead and few others who cannot be on par but are not; so at least you give the others something to fight for except relegation. to avoid cash cow leagues you could activate this feature if there are at least X players in that league (let's say 5 or more)

Wasn't so much for that suggestion at first, but thought about it in case it could interest devs.
I disagree with the fact that top 3, top 5 or whatever are rewarded... Think about the 4th (or 6th) guy, he gave everything during the season and maybe finished at this place 1 point away... but, meh... nevermind him.
What I think is to reward all the players of $1.000 per point scored at the end of the season or 1 Exp point per point scored.
To prevent cash cow leagues, rewards could be activated only when the tier has promotion/relegation activated.
To reward players only at the end of the season will keep leagues active until the end and prevent league jumps. If you have 100pts (potentially $100k or 100Exp), you won't jump into another league to finish the season with 5pts ($5k or 5Exp).
Plus, even if there's a glitch or something, let's say you finish 1st with max points: 741, you have $741k, you jump into another league, penalties still got you.
I'm not that much for the Exp reward because it's more difficult to prevent cheating using penalties or whatever. But money is almost nothing, $741k max doesn't even pay your CD and TD for one race. And now you think of my 4th guy that finished 1pt away of the 3rd place, he only gains $1k less than the 3rd guy.
About tokens, I'm against it. We can already win tokens, that's enough. This is the money that pays devs, they can't give it away everytime...
medal 5000
7 years 112 days ago
Token are a good reward for a championship classification by drivers
1= 10
2= 8
3= 6
4= 5
5= 4
6= 3
7= 2
8= 1
medal 5000
7 years 102 days ago
I think tokens will be a good idea. Tokens can be used to create money to pay the bills. Or just use it for what you need.
I agree that the rewards should be for everyone in the championship.
Maybe more like this, something like Sven said but then for 16 people:

Also this give beginners ( like me ) more chances to grow.
I really support this idea.
medal 5000
7 years 98 days ago
Already been suggested here
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