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Elite league, but unable to research handling above 50...

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medal 5319
7 years 130 days ago
I am racing in at Elite level and currently struggling with researching handling. Although I can take handling above 50 using my race points, I appear purely unable to increase this aspect by research.
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 130 days ago
Carl, I can't enter in you account, but could you post your [url="]Research[/url] page screenshot?

I think YOU have the most developed handling in your League, that's why you're not getting any points :)
medal 5088
7 years 130 days ago
His research power is 4 stars and he's trying to research 4 attributes, one of which is his CD's weakness. His research power with 4 attributes being researched is 14%, which explains the measly gains, they're spread so thin.
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