Hi, I recently rejoined iGPManager on a new account but have been playing this game for a few years now. The engine wear and replacement system has always seemed very lacklustre to me, you can just go by with replacing the engine every other race without any problems, making the "cooling" component in design very miniscule.
Would a similar system to current F1 regulations (with alterations, we don't want grid penalties every race) be better? Take F1 2017 for example, you can swap engines every race but you're only allowed a set amount and you have to balance your engine usage, or else you have to take an extra and get a penalty. I think that would improve the general reliability aspect to the whole game, as right now there are a good amount of design components that just seem useless.
Yes, full support. Having a fixed number of engines, 6 per car perhaps, during the season could really add some quite nice extra layer of strategic managing to the game. Using fresh engines for the first races but having only used ones for the remaining races, using fresh engines for the races the team might be best in or trying to keep as many fresh engines as possible for the last races when the cars are about equal due to the design cap and so on.
As a bonus Cooling would have some use.
It's not feasible, everyone would prefer to pay a money penalty or grid penalty for having a new engine every race.
A good alternative suggestion here would be to try to improve the "cooling" effect, or that the number of engines will restart each season with a total of 17 (and when league changing, the number of engines should change to the number of races remaining).
The number of spare engines would be fixed too, 1 or 2 spare would be enough. The penalty for using an extra engine doesn't have to be a starting grid, although having to start from the pits would hurt. Agreed, even starting dead last from normal grid would not be much of a penalty, I'd use races where using hards for first stint works for that. A money fine would indeed be meaningless, since it can be printed from tokens, unless it'd be a really high fine but that sort of would allow to buy success with real money.
Still, there're a lot of penalties to choose from that can work, like a time penalty, like 10 seconds for 50% races, added to the race finish time or a penalty pit stop.