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Driver Weight Change Hotfix Applied Or Not?

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medal 5000
7 years 101 days ago
Did Jack ever get around to applying the hotfix to be able to lower the drivers weight after everything else was maxed out?

He said a long time ago it wasn't meant to be the way it is and would change it when he got time. I know we have had a few issues since then, just wondering if he ever got around to it or not. I have a driver who needs to loss a few lbs to be the weight he should be, but keep getting no change, so either he hasn't applied the fix or it's broken.
medal 5088
7 years 101 days ago
Most likely he didn't fix it yet. I'll create a request so he remembers to fix it when he has a chance.
medal 5000
7 years 101 days ago
Thanks, that would be great :)
Once I have Sainz down to 145lbs, I can lower Hulkenberg to 154lbs to match life weights, currently Junior is 158 & Hulk 169.
Next step then is to use real life tyres and see if I land in rookie or not lol
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