Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 133 days ago
The race time in my league was at 23:00 and after the time change is at 22:00. I want it to remain at 23:00, I do not know if this is a bug or I have to do it manually. If I have to do it manually it's a bit annoying because if I'm not mistaken the changes will not affect today's race and would have to run at 22:00. What should I do?

Greg Broz medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Race times are set to GMT which does not follow daylight savings. If you need the time to stay the same you need to manually adjust

Gustavo Heiden medal 5514 7 years 132 days ago
If you want to keep your Time Zone, you could disable automatic DST changes in your PC.

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Race times are set to GMT which does not follow daylight savings. If you need the time to stay the same you need to manually adjust
I supossed
If you want to keep your Time Zone, you could disable automatic DST changes in your PC.
Lol it's about the game and race time not my pc time

Dani Daffer medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Our league start 1 hour before
All teams are tottaly insoddisfy!
Please cancel the race and fix the race time

Mateusz Gornacki medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
The clocks went back today, so every race was 1 hour earlier.
I was caught out by that and did not do my strategy today, when i normally would about 15 minutes before lockdown.

Dani Daffer medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago

Dani Daffer medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Targhet not catch
-31 points + championship lost 100%

Paul Scheffers medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
In most parts of europe, last night, dst was set back to standard time..
all my races are set to start at 20 oclock.
but now the game changed race time to 19 oclock without any notice of it..
this game really is getting bad. It's bugging me out, that server problems, a slow site and slow "app", makes playing this game impossible sometimes. And now the game just decided to move all of our races.
This really sucks!
bad information about the games workings and changes being made, while they should'nt.
this is'nt doing it for me anymore.

Paul Scheffers medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
same here, DST changed back to standard time.. but IGP just moves your Racetime that was set on a certain time, because i cant play it before that time. Setup lost, race lost, points lost. again a bug that fucked up our competition.. Bye all the time and effort put in to make the best of it.

deathgr Racing medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
our championship because of time change started one hour beforethe original time resulting in chaos since noone knew.What is going on???Half of the people in Hellas Rally Raid championship are players that log in at the last hour to build strategy and almost none was in.Any explanation for this?

Steven Garratt medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Yesterday: League I was in was listed as 18:30 start in app. I'm in the UK with BST (which is GMT+1) so 18:30 GMT is 19:30 locally for me - which matches with race start times. All fine (my first ever race caught me out by not starting when I thought it would, then realised it didn't state the timezone).
Knowing the clocks went back (returning to GMT locally), I altered my race warning alarm on my phone back an hour, I get prepped for race, and race takes place at 18:30, as I anticipated - all fine for me.
Looking at my league however, I've spotted that the league race time is now displaying as 17:30.
I did a quick search on the forum to determine that the race times are adjusted to local time zones, and after going into the app settings, I can see that the time zone had moved to GMT-1... which I hadn't set previously.
Is it possible that some code is adjusting a players timezone automatically?
Scenario 1: Player join in winter, (sets timezone as London, GMT) in spring, app automatically moves them to Brussels (GMT+1). All fine for timezone adjustments in app.
Scenario 2: (My scenario) Player joins in summer, (sets timezone as London, GMT, or doesn't set it and defaults to GMT), gets used to timings being based on GMT. In Autumn, app automatically moves them back an hour (GMT-1), and confuses the start time.
Easy fix, display the timezone against the race time - with an info button, stating that if it's incorrect, to update the users timezone?

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
This problem with daylight saving troubles me, if I want to avoid it I will have no choice but to postpone the race on daylight saving day and change the schedule as soon as possible, if there isn't other solution.

Jack Basford medal 5237
CEO & CTO 7 years 132 days ago
This happens every time the clocks change. Admittedly, last time we put out a forewarning / announcement which helped, and this time I was caught napping so didn't remember to put out an announcement. I only realised the clocks had moved myself half way through the day.
The way this works does make sense... here's the explanation:
All times in iGP are set in GMT/UTC and never change. Because we have an international audience, and different regions and hemispheres apply DST at different times, this is the best compromise. If, instead, we were to move the start time for the convenience of any particular region, then everyone in other regions where the clocks didn't change would have to start remembering time changes in other timezones to know why their start times are moving around.
The much simpler solution, for you as well as us, is the current one. The time of the races never changes in our database. It is in GMT/UTC and always consistent, never moving with local DST changes around the world. Therefore, the only change will be that of your local timezone. League hosts have the power to change race start times if they wish to do so, and all players in the league will be notified via mail of the start time change.
TL;DR: Yes, you have to change the start time. To understand why, read above. Hopefully this helps. :)

Fabio Peluso medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
Hi Jack,
can be a solution to implement a "Country" or "Time Zone" option in the league main settings? Maybe the manager of the league can set the time and this will be automatically updated in case of DST.

Rory G. Rojas medal 5000 7 years 132 days ago
The way this works does make sense... here's the explanation:
All times in iGP are set in GMT/UTC and never change. Because we have an international audience, and different regions and hemispheres apply DST at different times, this is the best compromise. If, instead, we were to move the start time for the convenience of any particular region, then everyone in other regions where the clocks didn't change would have to start remembering time changes in other timezones to know why their start times are moving around.
Sorry but the truth is that I do not understand. I did not change the GTM of the game. If the DST does not apply to the game, it should have appeared to me that the race was running at 23:00 even though it had been run an hour earlier by the DST, however from the first moment it appeared that it was running at 22:00. Does not that mean that the DST does affect the time of the game but not when it comes to racing? And this way, if the DST affects game time, should race time not stay the same as it was?

Steven Garratt medal 5000 7 years 131 days ago (edited 7 years 131 days ago)
Thanks for your explanation - that clarifies my thoughts in that:
- Race times in the database are fixed at GMT/UTC.
- Race times are displayed as an adjusted time to local users depending on their timezone settings in their profile (can be confirmed by Settings > Change Timezone > Back into League > League Info > See changed Race Time / or Home screen and view Next Race time)
Diving into the later on the display of the adjusted time to local users - how does the system apply the DST to individual users, and what information is it using? (the tooltip implies it adjusts it automatically)
As there isn't anywhere to specify where that person is based explicitly (Nationality doesn't give info to where a user lives) so I'm assuming it's basing it off the current timezone set?
If my assumption is correct, then I think 'if' there is a bug, this might be where it is - given my experience of my profile timezone being changed automatically by the system from GMT to GMT-1.