Sam Phillips medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago (edited 7 years 93 days ago)
Just a quick query, ever since the update both of my mobile devices have been exceedingly warm during a live race.
For info I run;
NVIDIA Shield (Android Nougat)
iPhone 7 Plus (iOS 11.3)
Anybody else experiencing this? I have to quit after 10 minutes to protect the devices and miss out on in race tactics.
Odd that it occurs on two entirely separate items of equipment
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 93 days ago
My iPhone 5S always gets hot when running the race viewer, but it isn't in such a way that it overheats or becomes unbearable to hold.
Are your devices getting so hot they shutdown to protect themselves from overheating?
Try setting the race viewer quality to the lowest setting in your account settings.