Rhys Casserly medal 5000 7 years 122 days ago
So i bought a new driver to use as my old driver was going to retire. I though it pointless using my retiring driver and decided to sack him little did i know if would cost me 40 million. Is there any way i can get this money back or reverse what has been done?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 121 days ago
Hi Rhys, when sacking a driver or staff, the dialog that requires you to confirm sacking them states you will have to pay off their entire contract price in full.
Since you rushed through this, I've insured your losses up to around $34 million. I'd insure the full cost of the loss but I want this mistake to make sure it helps you slow down before rapidly flying through confirmation prompts. :)

Rhys Casserly medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
Thanks man i went through it a bit quick i honestly though it said 4.4 million but it obviously didn't ill be more careful from now on.