Don F medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
My last race my driver didnt participate.
Only 9 out 32 cars entered and finished the race.
Whats going on?

radi kaal medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
Hi there,
Today (10-11-17) my car did not show up at the start of the race.
It did Qualify but when I logged in with the race (2 minutes ahead) there was no car.
I do notice that only 28 cars are listed in the race results, 32 did qualify.
Probably connected to this:
In the home screen it still shows the previous race as the last race.
I also did not receive any car research or points to upgrade my car after this race.
Many thanks for looking into this.
(Team Radius, Driver Hannah Scheider)

radi kaal medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
Competition F1 2017
British iGP

Neil Crofts medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
I recently joined a new league 4th race into a new season and for some reason when I join the race my drivers are not in attendance. I therefore lose money, lose ground against others in the league and have no idea why.
I understand that when you change leagues you may have to miss a race however I am now several races into this league.
Would appreciate understanding why I have missed this race and will it happen again?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 120 days ago
Hi all, I've merged your threads into one and have informed Jack about this with high priority.
I'm not sure what's happened.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 120 days ago
Sorry to hear about these problems. There have been some issues with the servers in recent weeks and we're in the middle of migrating to a different configuration behind the scenes to address these problems. During the transition some unexpected things have happened, and each night we've been tweaking the server configuration in response to anything that crops up.
I believe I know why this happened, and it was probably due to the late processing of race results, which might have then marked your "last race" time as within 24hrs of the next race, causing you to be ineligible to participate (we have a 1 league race per day limit). To avoid this happening again I've reset your last race value, expecting that this will prevent this from happening again tonight.
With regard to the server situation things are getting better, and this should be less likely to reoccur.

radi kaal medal 5000 7 years 120 days ago
Many thnxs for your reaction.
We (at least I) missed out on the entire day. (No financial transactions like wages and sponsors (incl. no coins), no race result (which probably won't cost me the season, but it certainly doesn't help the fight for top 4 or better, no research which will set me back for the rest of the season). Is there anything that can be done in that area?

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 120 days ago
Hi Radi, If the league host would like the results of those races to be eliminated I would be happy to do that for you. They just need to post here to let me know, or email support@igpgames.com with the request.
If they do not want to do that, we can send you some Tokens for the inconvenience. Again, just email support@igpgames.com with the request and refer them to this post.

Neil Crofts medal 5000 7 years 120 days ago
Thank you for the response Jack, I appreciate the difficulties you guys encounter and am grateful for what is a well thought out game. I will drop an email as I did lose out because it treated it as though I didn't reach my target for the race.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 7 years 120 days ago
No problem, that's what we're here for (to both of you).

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 119 days ago
Great Service!
Hey there, I haven't seen a reply from you on what you'd like to do. Your league host is inactive and I am not sure if the players in your tier will agree to having the race's results eliminated (but it'll be awesome if they do!). If the race results are not chosen to be eliminated please let me know. I can send you tokens to offset the losses dealt to you from the issue you experienced.

radi kaal medal 5000 7 years 119 days ago
Not much communication going on. Guess the other players cant help it either. So send some coins and ill be more then happy.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 119 days ago
Not much communication going on. Guess the other players cant help it either. So send some coins and ill be more then happy.
Done! :) I have sent 20 tokens. If you don't see them at first, restarting the app/refreshing the page will update the tokens number.