Mauro Silvi medal 5000 7 years 110 days ago (edited 7 years 109 days ago)
can you check the team "XXXXX" in "YYYYYY" league?
the manager is level 12 and his drivers are lvl 15 and 16 and same for his staff. The last driver was bought 4 race ago!
Please check it or for a bug or for ...
if he is using tons of token, well I'm glad for you ;)

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 109 days ago
Hi Mauro, this is not a bug, fortunately!
The manager has only acquired a very old driver from the previous 'version' of iGP Manager. It is a complicated story, but when the drivers from the previous version are hired and trained their level is updated.

Mauro Silvi medal 5000 7 years 109 days ago
ok, thank you very much!!!