Yannick Rolland medal 5000 11 years 344 days ago
Once again, 3 days in a row , we cannot race !!!1 can you continue the FFSCA race which got stuck lap 13.....

L Gallagher medal 5000 11 years 344 days ago
I could not prepare my race because the site was completely unavailable !
Can you believe it 3 days at about the same time... This is reaaly too much !!
And no one tells us whats really going on here and when we will have something at least usable.
I wonder why i keep loosing my time here connecting for nothing coz i just continue loosing in the game because of the crashes.
Glad i've stopped paying to play but really guys DO SOMETHING !
This is fucking too much !!

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 11 years 344 days ago
Everything should be running now. We have had a significant increase in the total number of users recently and it is showing up a range of different scalability problems in the system. Each of the issues in the past few days have been different and we have been addressing each in turn. So I can at least assure you that we are not just ignoring the same recurring problems. We're sorry for the instability but we will get everything resolved.

L Gallagher medal 5000 11 years 344 days ago
Hard to believe you have more and more users... continuing like this would some the problem as many will leave for this shitty quality service.
Couple of crashes everyday is completely unbelievable !
If you were professional (and i assume you are coz you're getting money from doing this) this should be a crisis situation.
It seems like you're not really paying attention to your customers.
What are you doing to cover the situation up ?
When will the situation be ok permanently ?
Thanks for your work.
I really enjoy(ed) the game.
But seriously this situation has to end.

P Isom medal 5000 11 years 343 days ago
Silence suggests nothing..

Richard Law medal 5000 11 years 343 days ago
The silence says everything.
Clearly they can't be different problems. If they were it would be a hell of a coincidence to happen at the same time every night.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 11 years 343 days ago
The silence does say everything, not least that the improvements made yesterday worked, and the issues didn't occur at all. We're doing our best to ensure that continues going forward.
In the short-term, we'll be applying small patches that should improve overall stability. In the long-term a rethinking of the system is needed to make it more robust against errors, so they don't spread, which is what happens at the moment. We've got some creative ideas on this but they will take longer to implement.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 319 days ago
The race is running Darth. I just looked at the Pro tier via spectate and it is ongoing. Let me know if you are still having problems

Darth Vader medal 5000 11 years 319 days ago
It resumed, but was down for 2 minutes.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 318 days ago
I will close this thread as it's very long & new posts may not get the attention they need