Simon Balzer medal 5000 7 years 125 days ago
I would like to take over the below league. The league manager has not logged in for 96 days and has setup another league Aussie F1 under another name, which he has logged into for 108 days!!!!!
Hi Yunus
You haven't come back to me in this request yet?

Santi Arderrío medal 5000 7 years 124 days ago
Hi. I'm in a league with inactive host and i would like to be the host, i would like a league for only active players.
Actually the host is inactive from 104 days ago.
Information of the league is:
- Name: F1 GP - https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=8045
- Name of inactive host: Iñaki Olabarrieta- https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=81728

Nathan M medal 5000 7 years 124 days ago
nathanjitsu racing league
host Nathan Miller

Jaxon Hannan medal 5000 7 years 123 days ago (edited 7 years 117 days ago)
Name: Jaxon Hannan
League: Lucentvale Series
URL: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=7977
Host Name: Crash Bandicoot
Last Online: 61 days ago
Races I Have Done: 34

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 121 days ago
League name: F1 2017 Season
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=9628
Host name: Fabrizio Ranuzzi ( https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=110210 )
Days offline: 42days
Change Host to : Myself ( Giulio Cesare) https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=110210

Leonardo Pereira medal 5000 7 years 120 days ago
League name: MAUA
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=20984
Host inactve: Alexandre Corleone (121 Days inactive) https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=312811
new host Leonardo Pereira https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=345948

John Doe medal 5000 7 years 116 days ago
League name: F1 2017 Season
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=9628
Host name: Fabrizio Ranuzzi ( https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=110210 )
Days offline: 42days
Change Host to : Myself ( Giulio Cesare) https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=110210
Hi moderator. I need to change some game settings since we are at the last championship race

Zilo jr medal 5000 7 years 116 days ago
nome campiomato Messina GP
organizzatore Marco Vinci inattivo da 121 giorni
il mio nome èerosinho guimares team Sic 58
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=21945&tab=rookie grazie

Y bo medal 5000 7 years 115 days ago (edited 7 years 115 days ago)
I would like to take over the race i am in. The name is SUPER LEAGUE.The host has been inactive for over 135 days and we need to make some changes to the league.
Host name: Ku3x
My name: Y bo
Thank you
Thank you

Kleyber Mestre medal 5000 7 years 115 days ago
League name: Mike
League link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=17063
Host name: Miguel Angel Martinez Lopez
Host link: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=245581
The league host has been inactive for 155 days and is not even competing in this league. Please change host to myself Kleyber Mestre.
My link: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=563442

Francisco Marín medal 5000 7 years 115 days ago
Hello I want to take the leadership of this league
F1 America Latina
He has been inactive for 16 days his name is Joaquín San Martin

Marco Milió medal 5000 7 years 114 days ago
League name: Italy Championship
Link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=17388
The host has been inactive for 14 days now

christian illner medal 5000 7 years 113 days ago
Hi Admins,
Formula Racing League
Hostname: Christian Busacker (inactiv for 43 days)
Can you please set my Account christian illner to the position of the host.

SK Santos medal 5000 7 years 113 days ago
This thread is for making requests to take over a league that has an inactive host.
If you’d like to take ownership of a league that has an inactive host, all of the below circumstances must be adhered to:
1. Comment with the account you’d like to receive ownership on
2. Be a member of the league you want ownership of
3. Have participated in at least 17 races in the league you want ownership of (DNFs do not count)
4. Provide the name of the league and if possible, a URL to the league
5. Provide how long the league host has been inactive. Hosts must be inactive for at least 14 days in order to claim and receive ownership of a league
Requests are not fulfilled immediately. A new post in the thread will be made when hosting has been transferred.
Re-posted requests will be deleted.
Please note players can only be hosts of one league at a time. If you are already a host, creating a new league or requesting ownership of another league will not be possible until you transfer your host powers to another player.
the host can be promoted to elite and abandon the league? leaving the other manager alone, and without playing?

Brad Schiller medal 5000 7 years 111 days ago
Hi People.
League name: CW winners
League link: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=leagueInfo&id=10920
Host name: Jackswag Swag
The league host has been inactive for 211 days. Please change host to myself Brad Schiller.
Thanks in advance

Prangga Prayogo medal 5000 7 years 110 days ago
Please change my league host
-Host Name : Dzaky Ahmad
Not Active since 51 days ago
Please change host league to my self
my name Prangga Prayogo
My team : https://igpmanager.com/app/p=team
Thank youu

Tim V medal 5000 7 years 110 days ago
League name: Davy
League link: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=29755
Host name: Davy Verhagen
The league host has been inactive for 85 days. Please change host to myself.
Tim V
Thanks in advance

Mike K medal 5000 7 years 107 days ago
Good morning Yunus.
Please give me hosting rights to 'Formula Racing Australia'
Old host: Robert Miles, he was last active 233 days ago.
This is my 3rd full season in the league, and I am pretty active in it.
My name: Michael Koryl
Thank you for your assistance.

Rodrigo Barros medal 5000 7 years 105 days ago
I would like to take ownership of Hass Cup as the host has been absent for coming up to 105 data and there are a lot of absent players too. The link is https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=27017
Let me know if you need any further info?
Thanks, Rud Barros.

Emmanuele Orefice medal 5000 7 years 104 days ago
Hi, I was part of the championship "mondiale bassa-est Parmense", whose creator has abandoned the management of the Championship from more than 50 days. I was wondering if it was possible to change the World Championship's manager, seen the number of active palyers on various levels. If so, I would be happy to come back in that Championship! Thanks :)