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Unscheduled Maintenance (2017-07-26)

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medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Good job, keep up the good work and #keeppushing
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 214 days ago
Regarding the races on the previous page that people said didn't start, I think they just started a few minutes late. This is something our updates on the weekend should fix. The work to improve things is by no means finished, although the stability should be a lot better after everything we changed last night and this morning.
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
You're definitely the best game designers I've ever known! So polite, fast in finding sollutions to the problems and very open to the game community. Great job!
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Non parte la gara
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Yes, the MJL race opened a bit late for connecting. Entering was possible with luck around start or else somewhen during the first lap(s).
medal 4659
7 years 214 days ago
In my league race was reschedule after 2hrs 25 minutes post the regular time, i think most of the guys didn't saw the timing displayed on the league page and hardly 5-6 managers were active, one of the managers (Dany Williams) cars were too good, but since it was a rainy race the twist happened and the water level went from 2.3 (from
R u serious Sndeep. fuck i w@s w@iting for @n hour for the r@ce then le@ve @nd it runs.

lap1-12) to 5 by lap 14-15 and he was scheduled to pit at 15 or 16 laps over that it was Inters which got refitted for last stint and from leader his position went out of top 10, i dun know whether its unfair with him or not, but he lost a crucial win due to this reschedule of race

medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Greetings and thank you for the good work.
My league is F1 2017 Championship and yesterday the race didn't happened. I was able to setup and save my strategy, but the race never started.
Could you check it please?
medal 5088
7 years 214 days ago
Icarus, check your league schedule. Your race, as well as many other league's races, was postponed.
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago

It is possible to schedule our next race (monaco) to today evening? it would be very nice to race at 19:00 (GMT+2). Our race stopped due to the error on wednesday and is now planned for monday, thats to far away...

League: Overdrive Liga

medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 214 days ago
Hi Christoph, I have moved the race as requested since it should really have been today, not Monday.
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
First of all thank you for the game.

In my opinion the information that was given was quite confusing. In one of the updates you stated that all races would be postponed at least 24h after the 27th. To my surprise that race yesterday in East GP League ran anyway. I did not prepare for the race as I thought the race would not be run. I salvaged the race to come 2nd and 4th when I incidently opened the app and loaded the race. I think I was not the only one in the League who thought the race was postponed. Over half of the race cars got suspension failures due to the probably fact that they did not fix their car to the race that would not be runned.

I think it was a bit unfair that the 2 of us who managed to attend the races benefited from this.
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Icarus, check your league schedule. Your race, as well as many other league's races, was postponed.

Yes, indeed. Yesterday, on the home screen said "next race today", that's why I was confused. I didn't check the schedule!
Thank you.
Well done!
medal 5000
7 years 214 days ago
Ciao Jack, chiedo scusa se insisto su questa domanda, ma non ho avuto risposte per via dei tuoi troppi impegni. La corsa del gp di ungheria che avevo mercoledì alle 21 ora la da per mercoledì prossimo alle 21 ... quindi stasera e domenica non avrò gare? Solitamente nel mio campionato si svolgerà mercoledì venerdì e domenica. Aspetto tue notizie. Grazie infinite ;)
medal 5000
7 years 213 days ago
Hi, our league's race was postponed a week, can we change the schedule to the nearest actually scheduled race, that should be today at 18:30GMT. Thanks
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
7 years 213 days ago
Hi, our league's race was postponed a week, can we change the schedule to the nearest actually scheduled race, that should be today at 18:30GMT. Thanks

That should be fixed now.

Niki, it looks like your league had the same issue (probably due to the same race days I guess), so I've also fixed it. You will race tonight.
medal 5000
7 years 213 days ago
Our race did not start last night.
I could do the practice runs and setup the cars but race did not start.
Did say next race today, but when I was done it said 28th with will be tonight.
Hopefully weather will be the same if not I have bad luck I guess.

In earlier posts I read there will be tokens assigned? When will that happen as I have not received any yet

medal 5000
7 years 95 days ago
He subido entrenando a los pilotos dos veces y me pone sin progression y no suben
medal 5088
7 years 95 days ago
He subido entrenando a los pilotos dos veces y me pone sin progression y no suben

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