Graeme Osborn medal 5000 5 years 326 days ago (Last edited by
Graeme Osborn 5 years 326 days ago)
Need someone to change the time on our race again!!! Its moved 1 hour forward again!! This is URGENT though for us to race tonight!!!
V8 Supercars is the league i am referring to. TO LATE LOL!!!!
League id: 76198
Can someone please also look into why this is happening also? This is the 3rd or 4th time now that its done this!! I am the host for this league and i havent even been into the time change section for about 2 weeks now when i set it all up for Season 3!! Its making me rush around before the race starts and that's stressful enough as it is!!
Have posted this in the Help section also so it may get noticed twice as fast lol
Did not get fixed in time so can our China race please be rescheduled to Monday the 4th of March. The current time showing on my screen for the race is 8:30pm and it should be 9:30pm. I have advised everyone in our league of this so i am awaiting your reply. Please reset the cars also as some guys just put in new engines etc.
I did watch the race and notify everyone of the problem but in the Pro's one car pitted 4 times in 14 laps the Rookies room guys were just getting booted over and over. So maybe it was a major problem!!