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Race re-run requests

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medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago (Last edited by Salvatore Miliciotto 5 years 327 days ago)
Please te run the race 26-02-2019 in spain.

Number race 21960538

Number league ID:  16926

race will start soon.....
medal 4968
5 years 327 days ago
Please te run the race 26-02-2019 in spain. Numer race 22248514
Numer league ID:  38242. 
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
Please arrange an alternative for this league please
Thit is not good enough that the race cannot be rerun just cos the season has ended. This race was very important. 
Also our cars have been reset but with only a few points  Please also sort out this
medal 5176
5 years 327 days ago

Please arrange an alternative for this league please
Thit is not good enough that the race cannot be rerun just cos the season has ended. This race was very important. 
Also our cars have been reset but with only a few points  Please also sort out this

I'm sorry to hear that, we're working on sorting this out now.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
20 minutes and start next race...... what do we do? We need repeat SPA race in league 16926
medal 5176
5 years 327 days ago

20 minutes and start next race...... what do we do? We need repeat SPA race in league 16926

Hi Salvatore, we set that up to re-run shortly before you posted.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago


20 minutes and start next race...... what do we do? We need repeat SPA race in league 16926

Hi Salvatore, we set that up to re-run shortly before you posted.

we thanks... but we ask again to repeat the race:

1) too short the time to re-made setup... 10 minutes... is a really short time
2) Connection refused to many user, that they be connected after 4/5 laps....
Sorry for the request
Thanks for all
league 16926
Race SPA
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago (Last edited by tifonee tifonee 5 years 327 days ago)
Salvatore, the set-up was the same of yesterday, regenerated from the game automatically...the same.
The connection refused until the 19:02, so 2 minutes later and when accepted the users (at 19:02) the race was at the first curve of the first lap.
if someone connected after is normal because usually we are 5 o 6 users from the start of the race and the results of the race were the same of each race and the same of the last time i played this race (yesterday)
So i  don't tink that the race of SPA, league 16926 should be repeated.

P.S. you've had the time to change the set-up even  in 10 minutes because yesterday has the same of mine and today you've done the pit-stop 1 lap after , so yours are only excuses because don't like the result of the race.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
Dear Tifone,
all players have requested Re-Run because have encountered numerous problems in connecting, or in being able to adapt the tactics of the day before in the SPA circuit.
Each player must adapt to the choice of the group, if we ask the repetition is because the whole group except you asked for the repetition.
I understand that you have arrived in first and second place, but you have to adapt to the choices of the whole group and avoid unnecessary controversy in a public forum, which makes you somewhat ridiculous.
So, we request the Re-Run for SPA

1) too short the time to made new setup... 10 minutes... is a really short time
2) Connection refused to many user, that they be connected after 4/5 laps....
Sorry for the request
Thanks for all
league 16926
Race SPA

medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
Hi yunus. Looks like Jack has sorted out the car designs for the new season. Kinda.
I would still like clearing up what is happening with our race that could not be re run.  Thank you 
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
"Dear" Salvatore,
1) The developers must to know how the system work for real and don't only the your version.
2) The connection refused  until 19:02 and the race wasn't started yet because it started at 19:02, in late. So no one lost laps. Their retardment depends on their slow internet line or their distraction.
These aren't good reasons to re-run the race of SPA for the second time.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
you are not the administrator of the group and the group has taked a decision
the group communicates through whatsapp group, and you refused to participate.
you are a person, others have said repetition.
If you want to decide for yourself in a group, create a group, you bring the players and you decide, otherwise you respect the rules of the group.
This is a group game, not a standalone game
if you want to play alone there are several manager simulators for f1 that I will not advise you.
Now return to the player, otherwise we will be forced to oust the group to avoid unrest and controversy.
Thank you
medal 5290 Community Manager
5 years 327 days ago
Please keep your discussions out of this topic, you are hampering the work of the support team.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
Strategy saved but not applied in race

I ask to repeat yesterday's races (Turkey GP) of our championship in all categories.

Thank you
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago
I apologize for the interference of user: Tifone
we would only like to request the Re-Run to SPA
league 16926
If possible set Re-Run within 12 hours from the start of the race to allow all players to adapt to the race
Thanks always for your availability

medal 5176
5 years 327 days ago
Hi, the requests have been fulfilled.
medal 5000
5 years 327 days ago

Hi yunus. Looks like Jack has sorted out the car designs for the new season. Kinda.
I would still like clearing up what is happening with our race that could not be re run.  Thank you 

medal 5000
5 years 326 days ago
As nothing has been done how do I raise my issue with someone more important? It is a rubbish system that does not allow the last race of a season to be re run when this one can be the most important one 
medal 5000
5 years 326 days ago (Last edited by Graeme Osborn 5 years 326 days ago)
Need someone to change the time on our race again!!! Its moved 1 hour forward again!! This is URGENT though for us to race tonight!!! 

V8 Supercars is the league i am referring to. TO LATE LOL!!!!

League id: 76198

Can someone please also look into why this is happening also? This is the 3rd or 4th time now that its done this!! I am the host for this league and i havent even been into the time change section for about 2 weeks now when i set it all up for Season 3!! Its making me rush around before the race starts and that's stressful enough as it is!!

Have posted this in the Help section also so it may get noticed twice as fast lol

Did not get fixed in time so can our China race please be rescheduled to Monday the 4th of March. The current time showing on my screen for the race is 8:30pm and it should be 9:30pm. I have advised everyone in our league of this so i am awaiting your reply. Please reset the cars also as some guys just put in new engines etc.
I did watch the race and notify everyone of the problem but in the Pro's one car pitted 4 times in 14 laps the Rookies room guys were just getting booted over and over. So maybe it was a major problem!!
medal 5176
5 years 325 days ago
Hi Graeme, can you tell me what your timezone is?
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