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No promotion after season

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medal 5000
7 years 28 days ago
my driver "tansu ışık" has completed last season as champion. but his championship numbers does not changed. he should have 6 championships. but 5 is written in his stats.
medal 5000
7 years 24 days ago
Hello! after yesterday's race what is a bad system error I know it is true we are not really sorry that we got a couple of things but really my problem is that, next season I should not be in the good championship I should have been up for the elite because I was sure I was second but did not do it help me out. Thanks in advance!
medal 5000
7 years 24 days ago
Hello! after yesterday's race what is a bad system error I know it is true we are not really sorry that we got a couple of things but really my problem is that, next season I should not be in the good championship I should have been up for the elite because I was sure I was second but did not do it help me out. Thanks in advance!
medal 5000
7 years 24 days ago
so I wrote the same thing because I have this problem as the writer before
medal 5000
7 years 24 days ago (edited 7 years 24 days ago)
Newcomer and professional class runners were not promoted at the end of the season. Here is League not found or inactive
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