Silly.. but ok..
Do u want the yellow flags to be on a part of the lap.. cus all u gamers seem to be so keen on reality........ it should b on the part where the crash occurred right? N how much time do u think ull have to respond to that happening, lower ur speed, not accidentally overtake cuz ur lapping someone.
Cmon guys. I see the same silly "great ideas" over n over again...
Great ideas should not only benefit u and ur dreams, hopes, desires n wishes. It should benefit both igp and the community.
Introducing yellow flags is just forcing people to make a stop to avoid overtake people u lap during the yellow, which should be penalised,
Or igp can force all cars to stick to the yellow flag rule which would simply mean it pauses the race for as long as the flag is out, with the minor difference that the cars are moving during pause.
I mean.. its all nice yall bring "great ideas" to the forum, but maybe it would be nice if before u try n think of your "great idea", just look at how the game works now, n just realise it is not implementable unless u provide at least some solution, like maybe a 'slowbutton'. Crashes would imply the need for penalties n "incidents under investigations" (yes plurar cus i can already tell yall gonna b reckless drivers as soon as something like this is implemented). Start with the basics first, like.. besides push make an extra switch that controls wether u like to overtake or not, because as long as u cant choose to overtake or hold.. all the ideas after that... ye well. Goodluck.
For everyone who desires crashes.. id recommend games like carmageddon or destruction derby to play alongside this great game. Cus thats what it is. A game.