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medal 5000
6 years 147 days ago
Silly.. but ok..

Do u want the yellow flags to be on a part of the lap.. cus all u gamers seem to be so keen on reality........ it should b on the part where the crash occurred right? N how much time do u think ull have to respond to that happening, lower ur speed, not accidentally overtake cuz ur lapping someone.
Cmon guys. I see the same silly "great ideas" over n over again...

Great ideas should not only benefit u and ur dreams, hopes, desires n wishes. It should benefit both igp and the community.
Introducing yellow flags is just forcing people to make a stop to avoid overtake people u lap during the yellow, which should be penalised,
Or igp can force all cars to stick to the yellow flag rule which would simply mean it pauses the race for as long as the flag is out, with the minor difference that the cars are moving during pause.

I mean.. its all nice yall bring "great ideas" to the forum, but maybe it would be nice if before u try n think of your "great idea", just look at how the game works now, n just realise it is not implementable unless u provide at least some solution, like maybe a 'slowbutton'. Crashes would imply the need for penalties n "incidents under investigations" (yes plurar cus i can already tell yall gonna b reckless drivers as soon as something like this is implemented). Start with the basics first, like.. besides push make an extra switch that controls wether u like to overtake or not, because as long as u cant choose to overtake or hold.. all the ideas after that... ye well. Goodluck.
For everyone who desires crashes.. id recommend games like carmageddon or destruction derby to play alongside this great game. Cus thats what it is. A game.
medal 5000
6 years 123 days ago
This is a nice idea as it could lead to people using different stratagies during the race.
medal 5000
6 years 122 days ago

They just can't make each race a wreck fest and maybe league's can have the option  to have the ability to crash out

It would be about 0-3 yellows each 100% race

medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
Yellows would help people that can make the races more, making maybe less predictable finishes.
medal 5000
6 years 103 days ago
I join this initiative, it seems like a great idea and gives an extra reason to play the game. As things are today, after a couple of races, the game becomes very flat. Related to this, I suggest a system of mechanical breaks, which is related to the level of wear of the car, the engine, etc. and the style of driving. More aggressive, more likely to break the engine or suspension. The same with the wheels, if we stretch too much the change of tires, we should have chances to break a tire.
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago

I join this initiative, it seems like a great idea and gives an extra reason to play the game. As things are today, after a couple of races, the game becomes very flat. Related to this, I suggest a system of mechanical breaks, which is related to the level of wear of the car, the engine, etc. and the style of driving. More aggressive, more likely to break the engine or suspension. The same with the wheels, if we stretch too much the change of tires, we should have chances to break a tire.

That is already in igp, there are mechanical failures for inactive people, and tire blow outs for very low wear

medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago
Defo need something random adding.  Maybe linked to sponsors or the reliability stat.  As it stands the reliability stat is useless. 
medal 5000
6 years 95 days ago (edited 6 years 94 days ago)
Interesting discussion but ultimately I don't believe the developers have any intention of adding random events to races and I for one am happy with this.

We already have live weather and this is enough of a challenge. The best managers quickly adjust to the changing conditions and therefore even low level teams that normally race at a disadvantage have the opportunity to grab a surprise win/podium if the manager is on the ball.

I've said it before, if you link breakdowns to the reliability attribute you will see many more breakdowns early in the season when reliability is lower and low level managers/rookies will experience more breakdowns than high level managers. Why?? Well as a L20 manager I receive 20 dp per race to allocate where I want whereas a L14 manager only gets 14. So I can afford to develop the "speed" attributes and still have a few dp left over to assign to reliability. The Lower level manager either concentrates all of his/her dp into "speed" which means they're likely to suffer a failure (and still be slower than me because my DRS & KERS is so much better) or they focus on reliability and get lapped.

There is a reason why some managers tend to get consistently good results, it's because they understand how to maximise performance and play the game well. If mechanical failures and crashes are linked to poor team management it won't affect the top managers, it'll just be another thing they have to consider and manage out.

IMHO, if truly random events are introduced which are absolutely outside of the managers control it is no longer a "Motorsport Management" game, it becomes a lottery and many top managers will leave.
medal 5000
6 years 94 days ago

Interesting discussion but ultimately I don't believe the developers have any intention of adding random events to races and I for one am happy with this.

We already have live weather and this is enough of a challenge. The best managers quickly adjust to the changing conditions and therefore even low level teams that normally race at a disadvantage have the opportunity to grab a surprise win/podium if the manager is on the ball.

I've said it before, if you link breakdowns to the reliability attribute you will see many more breakdowns early in the season when reliability is lower and low level managers/rookies will experience more breakdowns than high level managers. Why?? Well as a L20 manager I receive 20 dp per race to allocate where I want whereas a L14 manager only gets 14. So I can afford to develop the "speed" attributes and still have a few dp left over to assign to reliability. The Lower level manager either concentrates all of his/her dp into "speed" which means they're likely to suffer a failure (and still be slower than me because my DRS & KERS is so much better) or they focus on reliability and get lapped.

There is a reason that some managers tend to get consistently good results, it's because they understand how to maximise performance and play the game well. If mechanical failures and crashes are linked to poor team management it won't affect the top managers, it'll just be another thing they have to consider and manage out.

IMHO, if truly random events are introduced which are absolutely outside of the managers control it is no longer a "Motorsport Management" game, it becomes a lottery and many top managers will leave.

Fantastic argument.

Totally agree.
I hope you're correct on the first line.

medal 5000
6 years 86 days ago
DNF's are a thing Matthew....  C'mon! it will shorten the gap among teams in all tiers for sure.... making it more appealing. I still can't believe that it will take it being suggested to have it added to the game....  Love it!
medal 4985 Moderator
6 years 85 days ago
How will it shorten the gap? The better car and the better driver surely wouldn't be more likely to DNF, would they? Even if it would be like that and it would have more influence than the effect of a better car and driver, which it has to so it's actually able to close the gap, then wouldn't be the better and more experienced managers not likely being better in building faster bad cars and drivers to avoid DNFs and in the end again being faster with them? So all that remains would be random dice rolls deciding the outcome between equally good managers, which would remove all the fun in the competition. No thanks.
medal 5000
6 years 85 days ago (edited 6 years 85 days ago)
For me before going into crashes in this game for yellow flags the time to trail yellow flags is to stop this silly part that allows a car that is empty of fuel going onto finish 0.25 or more of a lap and changing tyres and refueling if a car runs out of fuel then let it finish race at that point and for 2 laps have a yellow flag in that section  rather than the team losing 30 secs to cover almost all of lap it should retire the car at point with no fuel 
What would happen if a manager put a 2nd team in and puts it aggressive when rival passing with the intentions of stopping a title fighting team out of points as in a lot of close elite races an accident could take you from front to back of grid for no reason  lets stop cars from carrying on if they run out of fuel as that is mostly down to poor management
medal 5000
6 years 85 days ago

Im out as soon as im taken out!
medal 5000
6 years 78 days ago
This would definitely squeeze out a lot of the dead accounts... I like it! 
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