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Newer Managers v Experienced managers

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medal 5000
12 years 257 days ago
IMO the entire leveling system has a fundamental flaw, in that there is very little mechanism for chance. As I understand it, some of this will be addressed with the new design system, but right now the critical issue is that progression in this game follows a very rigid path. You level up, you buy the facilities, you get the KERS, you build out your car via a small set of components, you sign the same top-level partners, and get drivers with great health and talent numbers.

With that formula, it becomes simply a matter of time before you end up at your destination - and then iGP becomes a simple question of whether you want to keep dedicating the time to do it.

Realistic uncertainty is hard to pull off in game design but it offers the most enriching end-user experience. In real life racing, the "magic mix" of elements that have to come together for a team to be successful is a potpurri of disparate factors. Translating to game metaphors, you could get your level 20 driver and max your component levels with the Murk, Seashells, and Bridgerock partnerships, but you might still end up not dominating or even backmarking. The intangibles of luck, team chemistry, and the ability of team personnel countering innate talent with hard work to achieve breakthroughs that should not be possible on paper all contribute to that unpredictability, which is why many of us became race fans in the first place.

I suspect that iGP's future prospects will be heavily contingent upon whether they can introduce that element of entropy to the game. I feel optimistic considering how good the game is in these early stages. Simply adding layers of complexity to the model is not necessarily the way to do it, though. When I was working in game design years ago, our cafeteria had a stand-up Asteroids arcade game. We played it often to remind ourselves that, in the end, all the bells and whistles in a game count for exactly nothing if the basic gameplay is not addictive.
medal 5001
12 years 257 days ago

my original post may have gotten a bit lost with other posts but what do the developers think of the suggestion that the higher level the driver the less training points u get.

Yeah i no its not all about level its what u train etc & stratagy but i still think its a massive advantage that cant be overcome and will lead managers once they have got to elite will get board because they r still far away from the level 13-15 drivers.

For example

level 1-6 drivers get to train after every race as normal.

level 7-9 drivers get to train every 2 races.

level 10-12 drives get to train every 3 races.

level 13-15 get to train every 4 races.

level 16-18 get to train every 5 races.

level 19-20 get to train every 6 races.

or something like that.

To give newer managers chance to gradually catch up, assuming they train the right things etc.

What do the devlopers think?

And at level 16+ Atrophy tears apart your drivers and they get weaker, I am against this idea, eventually most of iGP will be at the level cap and there will be no need for this.

Ok, i don't know this cause i wont see a level 16+ driver for months & months & Months or longer i dont know so i didnt know once u make level 16 they start getting worse rapidly, so just change what i said slightly and give them more training days than i suggested, it was only an example. I just wouldnt mind having a play against some of the top guys with a decent driver at somepoint b4 i end up getting board waiting for my level 8's to catch up to what ever level there drivers are at the time.
medal 5000
12 years 256 days ago
Gary, the top guys ARE still catchable, and faster than you think.up until about 3 seasons ago, I was terrible. I had bad drivers that I didn't train properly, but once I figured that bit out, and got myself some better drivers, I quickly moved forward, to the point where I got to being ranked 14th in the game. And my drivers aren't even the best one's out there. I've seen plenty that could beat them, and plenty that could be trained to be better than them.

And even with the better drivers I now have, I'm still making plenty of errors on strategy still, and I'm sure that many people still are. You're at level 7 right now, and you'll probably get to level 9 before I see lvl 11. By the time I get to lvl 12, you'll be level 11. You can and WILL catch up to the level of the managers that have been here longer, because each new level takes far more xp points to get to than the last, and we all only get 40xp or there abouts per race.

As for your level 8 drivers, well they might not be good enough to get them to a higher level in any kind of realistic timeframe.
medal 5001
12 years 256 days ago
Gary, the top guys ARE still catchable, and faster than you think.up until about 3 seasons ago, I was terrible. I had bad drivers that I didn't train properly, but once I figured that bit out, and got myself some better drivers, I quickly moved forward, to the point where I got to being ranked 14th in the game. And my drivers aren't even the best one's out there. I've seen plenty that could beat them, and plenty that could be trained to be better than them.

And even with the better drivers I now have, I'm still making plenty of errors on strategy still, and I'm sure that many people still are. You're at level 7 right now, and you'll probably get to level 9 before I see lvl 11. By the time I get to lvl 12, you'll be level 11. You can and WILL catch up to the level of the managers that have been here longer, because each new level takes far more xp points to get to than the last, and we all only get 40xp or there abouts per race.

As for your level 8 drivers, well they might not be good enough to get them to a higher level in any kind of realistic timeframe.

"As for your level 8 drivers, well they might not be good enough to get them to a higher level in any kind of realistic timeframe."

My point exactly......................
medal 5000
12 years 256 days ago

Gary, the top guys ARE still catchable, and faster than you think.up until about 3 seasons ago, I was terrible. I had bad drivers that I didn't train properly, but once I figured that bit out, and got myself some better drivers, I quickly moved forward, to the point where I got to being ranked 14th in the game. And my drivers aren't even the best one's out there. I've seen plenty that could beat them, and plenty that could be trained to be better than them.

And even with the better drivers I now have, I'm still making plenty of errors on strategy still, and I'm sure that many people still are. You're at level 7 right now, and you'll probably get to level 9 before I see lvl 11. By the time I get to lvl 12, you'll be level 11. You can and WILL catch up to the level of the managers that have been here longer, because each new level takes far more xp points to get to than the last, and we all only get 40xp or there abouts per race.

As for your level 8 drivers, well they might not be good enough to get them to a higher level in any kind of realistic timeframe.

"As for your level 8 drivers, well they might not be good enough to get them to a higher level in any kind of realistic timeframe."

My point exactly......................

My point being, if their Talent is too low, even when you get them to the higher stats that are needed, you'll still be losing out.
medal 5165
12 years 256 days ago
Few races ago, I set a faster time on the track than the Ranked 1st Reputation driver (at the time) and I was only 13 seconds behind finishing. To make it even more justifiable, I was in the series below him. I am using level 8 drivers and I have only been palying for 2 months.

You need to learn and experiment to get to the top. If I currently was with a level 11 team, I could possibly be winning all my races with the current level of gameplay I am producing at the moment.

Oh to further mention, I was using a 15% car when I finished 13 seconds behind the World 1st Team's Driver who finished 1st. Also with the same car, I achieved a 347KPH top speed without KERS. Knowing how to setup and get your drivers trained and team sorted out, then you will find how to get to the top. Alot of the top teams are making mistakes and haven't learned the tricks we have learned in lower levels in attempt to catch them. If all people were equal on terms of drivers etc tomorrow, then alot of the top guys will not be scoring points.

Playing at competitive levels has a simple progressive order:
Learn the game.
Master the game.
Beat the game.
medal 5001
12 years 256 days ago
Few races ago, I set a faster time on the track than the Ranked 1st Reputation driver (at the time) and I was only 13 seconds behind finishing. To make it even more justifiable, I was in the series below him. I am using level 8 drivers and I have only been palying for 2 months.

You need to learn and experiment to get to the top. If I currently was with a level 11 team, I could possibly be winning all my races with the current level of gameplay I am producing at the moment.

Oh to further mention, I was using a 15% car when I finished 13 seconds behind the World 1st Team's Driver who finished 1st. Also with the same car, I achieved a 347KPH top speed without KERS. Knowing how to setup and get your drivers trained and team sorted out, then you will find how to get to the top. Alot of the top teams are making mistakes and haven't learned the tricks we have learned in lower levels in attempt to catch them. If all people were equal on terms of drivers etc tomorrow, then alot of the top guys will not be scoring points.

Playing at competitive levels has a simple progressive order:
Learn the game.
Master the game.
Beat the game.

i bow to your expertise, but think its a bit arrogent to suggest that all the top guys have trained there level 15 drivers so badly that level ur level 8's would beat them, there not stupid.
An im also not saying that training the right stats can mean a level or 2 lower driver can be better than a level or 2 higher, but majority of the top guys no what to train so its impossible to beat them with level 8 drivers against level 15's.

Also if we having a pissing contest ive just noticed ive done less races than you but am higher in the rankings, surely that can't be right? what with you being an iGP legend an all...

medal 5000
12 years 256 days ago

An im also not saying that training the right stats can mean a level or 2 lower driver can be better than a level or 2 higher, but majority of the top guys no what to train so its impossible to beat them with level 8 drivers against level 15's.

Totally depends on car % / strategy [although the design system is in the middle of a total revamp] but driver "overall" level means very little, i dropped my level 12 driver and signed a level 8 because long term i thought it would be a better option, i also dropped my level 10 for a level 6/7 at the time

Was Ranked #1 in the HOF before i went on holiday and messed around trying to beat qualifying/lap records, the "majority" of the high level drivers IMO arent that good and can easily be beaten by drivers ~3 levels below them[possibly even more] even with similar car %, although as others have said, as you level up it takes more races to reach the next level, so eventually lower levels will catch up, higher levels seem to atrophy more so take longer to level up once they get higher & since a lot of stats dont seem to make a massive difference it shouldnt be such an issue to compete with people who are higher levels

medal 5001
12 years 256 days ago
Surely managers with 'Well Trained' level 8 drivers & perfect stratagy couldnt beat you (David Brady) with your drivers and similar % car on a regular basis? People keep suggesting that is possible but i just cant believe that it is possible
medal 5000
12 years 256 days ago (edited 12 years 256 days ago)
Surely managers with 'Well Trained' level 8 drivers & perfect stratagy couldnt beat you (David Brady) with your drivers and similar % car on a regular basis? People keep suggesting that is possible but i just cant believe that it is possible

I'm doing my first proper 2d race tonight since i got back from holiday, not gonna lie i expect an EASY 1/2 without even looking at who i'm racing against [although my drivers have a lost a fair bit of health through lack of training] Monaco so will be a boring race, but will more come down to drivers since i would imagine every1 is going to run the same strategy [i'll update after the race, and have a look at other peoples drivers etc]

[[Qualifying results here
level 11 driver split my 2 drivers up front 0.055s slower than my lv15 and 0.029s faster than my lv14 [assuming his car % are even the same cant be bothered spying] + i was only 0.067s away from beating qualy record]]

I was beating level 14/15 guys though when my drivers were only 10/11 so its entirely possible, obviously some people will have amazing drivers, but others have stuck with the same drivers for 150+ races(prob level 6 or 7 when they signed them) [so depending on what stats you find important] you could easily sign a low level guy, train him for a season or so and then easily compete with if not beat them

Just another quick thing noticed your only level 7, once u hit 8 design will go miles faster with much less designers, so the difference in car % will reduce drastically and give u a better idea of how drivers themselves compare
medal 5165
12 years 256 days ago
With that confidence Gary, you definately won't beat the top dogs. You need to get your head down and race hard. Eventually we'll all hit the Level Cap and you'll see alot of people who are at the top at this time, no longer there.
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