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Auto Boost / KERS changes

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medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 120 days ago
Not loosing your KERS is the point of this update. If you leave and rejoin you have exactly the amount of KERS left as you had when leaving, instead of the AI going on a useless KERS spree overtaking the car they'd got DRS a quarter of a lap later or your two cars battling each other, and burning all that saved up KERS the moment you leave.

I can't tell you how annoying it is when you pass a driver on that drs straight, they start kersing and kersing and kersing to re-pass you, block you for the rest of that lap, and then pit on that lap so you can't even get drs to make up for it...

Oh yes, that's so annoying indeed. However that's part of the race, deciding on the spot to use that boost needed to go in front again (and possibly more boost if you fail to shake that car before the next DRS or if it's using more KERS to get back into DRS) or risk to stay behind.
medal 5000
6 years 120 days ago
I think this is a good development for those of us who log in and interact live.
How easy would it be to select AI if you did have to leave? Therefore if someone deliberately leaves then they can set AI back to control?  Just a thought. 
medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 120 days ago
Allen your point was answered by Gert Rose yesterday....
Gert said:

This is being considered, but is much more difficult to implement. So if it would get decided to do this, it will probably not be soon.

Once you joined the race, the KERS is manual, so if you need to leave halfway and you know you will not come back, you better empty your battery completely.
medal 5000
6 years 120 days ago

An update was applied last night which changed the way Boost/KERS operates.

What has changed?

  • From the moment you join a race Boost / KERS control becomes 100% manual for the rest of the race

  • Automatic deployment by AI will cease entirely once you have joined the race, even if you leave and don't return. If you attend the race, be sure to use up boost before you leave or the race finishes.

Why was this changed?
This is a response to community feedback on the way automatic deployment was working before. Previously, AI were prone to auto-deploying the Boost/KERS when a manager was away from the app for a few minutes or re-loading a viewer. This was inconvenient for many people if they turned their phone off for a moment or had to reload a viewer for any reason, only to come back and find they had lost a lot of boost.

Fantastic, i had my app crash for the first time ever on my mobile today only to come back with full boost, it works perfectly, and its going to save a ton of headaches with AI auto boosting over 20% of boost after being offline for 2 mins.

Thank you to Jack and all the team involved in this improvement, a great burden has been lifted from many a shoulder i am sure.
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
Nothing should be automatic, if you dnt make the race tough, you should not auto set up for the race eitner, miss set up and u dnt race.

medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
Nothing should be automatic, if you dnt make the race tough, you should not auto set up for the race eitner, miss set up and u dnt race.

I think Dan has a valid point here. If a player doesn’t even save a race strategy, then the game should consider them to have forfeited their chance to race. They simply don’t participate in qualifying or the race. When the race ends their reputation should be unaffected, since they didn’t actually compete against others.
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago
I don't agree with no setup, no race. In the last few races of a season even normally well attended leagues are light on managers setting up. We'd end up with only half a dozen cars circulating. It would be just like the US GP of 2005... boring.
medal 5000
6 years 119 days ago

I don't agree with no setup, no race. In the last few races of a season even normally well attended leagues are light on managers setting up. We'd end up with only half a dozen cars circulating. It would be just like the US GP of 2005... boring.

I second you on that. Besides what if people have connection issues should they be punished just because they can't log on even though they are trying? @Dan you should really think before you speak dude. Many time we've had managers miss set ups or races through no fault of their own. One of our managers and a very good friend got their home broken into and their valuables stolen, should they be punished too? You can't condemn everyone just because a few don't bother to play. 

medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago
ok thank you 
medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago

... Many time we've had managers miss set ups or races through no fault of their own. One of our managers and a very good friend got their home broken into and their valuables stolen, should they be punished too? You can't condemn everyone just because a few don't bother to play. 

If you read what I wrote 5 posts ago, what I proposed actually helps those that don't set up the race strategy. By excluding them from the race, their reputation is protected. Only those that participate in the race should have their reputation affected by the race result.

medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago (edited 6 years 118 days ago)
If you read what I wrote 5 posts ago, what I proposed actually helps those that don't set up the race strategy. By excluding them from the race, their reputation is protected. Only those that participate in the race should have their reputation affected by the race result.

I agree with Jason here. On most occasions, players would gain from being taken out of a race they can't compete in because when they are let into the race all they do is lose money from missing objectives and add races to their contracts. At least there should be an option which is automatically set to no setup=No race.
medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago
Mike carter, if someone is broken into the  how is putting them into a race a concern to them, they wont score points on a medium set up but will lose cash and reputation, my way actually helps them.

Perhaps you should take your own advice.
medal 5000
6 years 118 days ago

Allen your point was answered by Gert Rose yesterday....
Gert said:

This is being considered, but is much more difficult to implement. So if it would get decided to do this, it will probably not be soon.

Once you joined the race, the KERS is manual, so if you need to leave halfway and you know you will not come back, you better empty your battery completely.

Yes yes but there is still the WebGL error. First repair that please.

medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 118 days ago


Allen your point was answered by Gert Rose yesterday....
Gert said:

This is being considered, but is much more difficult to implement. So if it would get decided to do this, it will probably not be soon.

Once you joined the race, the KERS is manual, so if you need to leave halfway and you know you will not come back, you better empty your battery completely.

Yes yes but there is still the WebGL error. First repair that please.

This thread relates to changes to the way Auto Boost / KERS works. You have also posted on the WebGL Error thread here... WebGL Error Thread. Please refrain from going off topic and posting the same issue in multiple threads.

medal 5000
6 years 117 days ago
very good fix guys. Thnx
medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago
My suggest is to include the option in the strategy before the race.

In that way, the automatic kers would be setted on/off when logged off.

So everyone could decide if activate or less the automatic kers in case of not-logged period.
medal 5000
6 years 113 days ago
Well the AI still use kers. My app codes twice in race because no one is even fixing it after months of it. Anyway when my app  closes andi rejoin I've lost some kers. God knows when app is gonna be fixed 
medal 5738
6 years 112 days ago
i agree whit that.
medal 5000
6 years 110 days ago
well done
medal 5000
6 years 89 days ago
Thank you iGPManager
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