Enzo Ferrari medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Same issue!!!!

Stefano Patania medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
connected a little while ago on the app and I found myself excluded from the championship. I lost the leadership (146 points in front of the second manager) and the car zeroed by development.
All this is very serious.
I request explanations.
I was dominating the championship, now I'm 0 points.

Kanza R medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
The comments here was "posted" 2018 years 827 days ago either.
I lost points and I lost a lot of members. Duh.
I lost development points and some Money as well.
This is a big problem for hosts like me and we would like this issue to be resolved ASAP.
League not found or inactive (not a promotion).

Kris Tof medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
In my league, several have also been removed. Polish F1 League league.

Paul Thame medal 5061 6 years 123 days ago
same problem here too; league iGP Champions, team Four Left Wheels

Andy Craig medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago

Andy Craig medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago

Marco Saccomanni medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Da un momento all altro mi ritrovo fuori dal campionato. Ma che succede??? Non ho fatto niente! Come ho fatto l accesso mi diceva di iscrivermi a un campionato!!! Non solo a me. Almeno 8/9 del nostro campionato. Che succedeee?? Na volta che ero primo in classifica!!

Pier Francesco Orlandi medal 5452 6 years 123 days ago
The same here. I’m no longer inside the Championship
iGP4 at 14:30
Please help us to re-join it without loss
Thanks in advance

William Robert medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
im host as well and my ive got 2018 years 827 days although ive not been kicked, but i also can't post, plz fix the last race of season is soon, i think its kicked 2 others in my league.
Anna Martens in Elite.
and Banana racing from pro.
League not found or inactive

Stefano Patania medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
I connected a little while ago on the app and I found myself excluded from the championship. I lost the leadership (146 points in front of the second manager) and the car zeroed by development.
All this is very serious.
I request explanations.
I was dominating the championship, now I'm 0 points.
What the hell happened?
Now how do you restore everything?

Karl Raudsepp medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Guys, no need to panic. Devs can fix this and revert back to old situation and races will be postponed to next slot.
Meanwhile stay calm and wait for feedback.

Michael Raetselhaft medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
What the hell has just happened?

ArmandO De Otto medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
And get back overarl i construction and driver overall to!!!!!!

Pier Francesco Orlandi medal 5072 6 years 123 days ago
I’m sorry, i wrote with the wrong account.
The correct one is this
Help please

Johnny Cooper medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
Same here, only I can still manage the league (after rejoining), but a competitor off my league was also booted out off the league.
Edit: driver that was also booted is: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&user=839764&tab=overview
Edit: It happened to me, while being online. I guess it did happen to my competitor, because he was online, too.

Grzesiek Czubak medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
I also got fired from the league !!!!! What happened

Kev Nash medal 4981 6 years 123 days ago
Benn kicked from my league again, something best get done soon!

Kris Tof medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
What's happening. I was in 1st place and now I have 0 points and on the last due to removal from my league ?????????

Roberto Valleri medal 5000 6 years 123 days ago
É successo anche a me con tutti i 4 team che gestisco