For Sale medal 5000 12 years 238 days ago (edited 12 years 238 days ago)
So sorry, but what's the problem?
The problem is that some consumers don't want it.
Set it up so I have the choice to do annual subscription instead of not giving me the choice and then making me turn it off.
is it a "big" deal? Probably not, but is it an issue, yes. You are aren't offering the customer the ability to not sign up for it.
Imagine buying something and it forces you to receive the Email Newsletter. You don't want the newsletter and so you unsubscribe.
It's not a huge deal but it's annoying. Why not a check box that allows you to either have it or not have it? Maybe because some customers won't realize it's an annual subscription and will get charged even though they don’t use the service anymore?
This might not be true, but the consumer in me gets very scetchy vibes from all this.