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Not another guide

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medal 5000
6 years 62 days ago

 When the drivers are with red stars the only thing that can make them training faster is the doctor...

Thank god this is not another guide.

U couldve given everyone some bad advice.

This is not advice. This is information how the game works. It can be put to good use, to bad use or no use.

medal 5000
6 years 61 days ago (edited 6 years 61 days ago)

If only all of your posts were like this.. that is indeed good statistics and advice, something most dont even care to think about, but it is. Please make more helpful posts like this in regards to all aspects. You will be seen more favourably for doing so rather than looked upon like a troll.

Lol. Dude. I really dont give a Fact! what u or anyone thinks about me. I dont need or want u as a friend so this favourability u speak of is not favourable in any way too me.
"U can hate me now...."
If u think my responses are to troll u u should re-read your comments and my responses to them.
For i truly believe that anyone spewing BS should be called on it
False and mis-information is the worst kind of advice.
So... like the first guy to cry in this topic i can only apologise to you too:
"I am really sorry u cant take critisicm"

Now since u have advice for me on how to put my critique so u dont start to cry,
Ill advice u to buy a leather jacket.
For cows have a lot thicker hide than u.
U can call cows fat, say they have small utters or whatever n they dont care.

I have three leather jackets, i can send u one if u lack the funds to buy one, or lack the skills to create one from a cow.
Let me know.

Now back to igra 
Your 'information' can only be put to bad use by those that are not fully aware of the costs of doctors compaired to the gain, hence it is bad advice.
Anyone who is at least a bit informed will put your 'information' to 'no use'
Thats the best advice i can give on your bad advice; my bad... i mean your 'information' of course.

Now i dont know how your language works. Maybe yes means no there, i dunno.
What i do know is that giving information is the same as "to inform".
If u google synonyms for that....u get..... to advise
Hence i think its safe to say you trying to save yourself has failed.
Its still terrible advice, due to you leaving out the financial part compared to the gains, as well as leaving out u need a 5star doctor instead of the doctor.
medal 5000
6 years 61 days ago (edited 6 years 61 days ago)
Think it time to close this thread down
It is starting to go no where and insults are starting to flow.
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