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Removed from the league!!!

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5088
6 years 39 days ago (edited 6 years 39 days ago)
I actually wanted to take action over this well over a day ago, but kept getting sidetracked.

First, I'm glad the players in that league enjoy your company, as it shows they aren't complacent.

I've sent a message to the host of this league that while hosts are free to do as they please, it can't be for nonsensical, unjustifiable reasons.

I've temporarily set another player as the host and will determine how to go about this in the meantime.

You are free to re-join the league as you like. When you've re-joined, please send me a message in-game with the account you're playing with, and I will restore your car design as best as possible, but I will see if we can recall any historical data and restore it exactly to what it was before you were kicked.
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago (edited 6 years 39 days ago)
Thank you for your help. I made a decision and I will not go back to the league, because this man still insults me in the news, he is mentally ill. I am looking for another league or finish the game.

medal 5088
6 years 39 days ago

Thank you for your help. I made a decision and I will not go back to the league, because this man still insults me in the news, he is mentally ill. I am looking for another league or finish the game.

If you find a new league to join, send me a message in-game and I will adjust your design so it doesn't fall behind.
medal 5000
6 years 39 days ago
I see that you gave the administrator rights back to this man and he was not punished for such behavior.
medal 5088
6 years 39 days ago
Hi Grzesiek, I decided to set him as the host again since you have opted not to return to the league, however, his behavior will still be addressed.
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