Rudy Lagneau medal 5000 12 years 198 days ago
if everyone agrees I though the race continues.

Tom Brady medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Well as i wrote in our league it's pretty unfair for who have leave for their own daily business, so it's better reschedule the races on tomorrow at same start time.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
I think that is a fair point. Although without having a firm policy about this yet, I would rather let people vote. Even though running the races now will annoy players who had to leave, at least those who were willing/able to wait around for this long for their race will not be let down. It is a mess though and I'm sorry for it all.

Rene Cornella medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
pff i was away for 2 hours and all has gone wrong,..
I know you try to do it for everyone good, and this is impossible.
In my case this was bad. Giving the league people just a few minutes to speak up hours after the race should have been started to decide what will happen, not that good.
Like people already left thought this will be solved some other day need to speak up,..
I understand that it is done for people who have no live and waited that long.
You guy's need to get a policy for these issues. No one knows what to do, wait for nothing, leave and get frustrated because races run hours later,... .
Get something together that everyone knows what will be done. And not rush out decissions like it happened today.
I lost so many points it's just not nice for the competition. Before the race i was leading with the driver (even if i actually had no chance) and so i could sneak points (like Alonso). Now i am far behind with no points for the race and no chance to make this ever good again.
So yes, this one race screwed the season for me. Not that i had any chance, but i could have settled there for some more races before it was over. Now i just forget about this season and its only race 8 ,....
Somehow this game makes les fun every day,..

Clinton Abby medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
The least they could have done is send out emails to people about the race starting late. I don't spend my whole day sitting here monitoring the league posts or forums. Once the race hadn't started within 15 minutes I went about my business doing the other things I had to do. If I would have known it was going to start I would have come back. This is twice now I've been screwed out of a race with this bug and a race start with no proper warning.
I agree totally with Rene, the devs need to come up with a plan for this type of incident and have it public knowledge so everyone knows exactly what will happen and can plan accordingly. 15-30 minutes of some posts on the league wall is not sufficient warning for those of us who do not spend our life on this website but still pay for the subscription to keep the game alive and improving.

Johan Gouws medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
I agree with Clinton and Rene, this is very, very frustrating and something needs to be done.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Some very interesting points made in this thread.
I agree with Clinton too.
Just to get the ball rolling, have any of you got ideas as to how the 'incident plan' might work?
What kind of 'rule' should the devs set-up?

Johan Gouws medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
I don't know about that Jake, what I do know howere is that our race is not running today either. I paid for a 1 year subscription and I really believe I am throwing money away.

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Either it's frozen at the exact same point as yesterday (lap 10) - or it hasn't been restarted today.
Can it be restarted/un-frozen please??

Clinton Abby medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Some very interesting points made in this thread.
I agree with Clinton too.
Just to get the ball rolling, have any of you got ideas as to how the 'incident plan' might work?
What kind of 'rule' should the devs set-up?
I would say that the most fair thing to do is for any leagues that are affected by a bug like this should have the race postponed until the next day at the normal race time. This would allow everyone to still attend like normal and not have to re-work their life so they can sit around for a few hours waiting to see if the race might happen.

Rene Cornella medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
I would say it's simple, if the Devs can fix it in a timeframe (let's say within one hour) the race will start just one hour later as sheduled (fixed one hour later even if it is fixed in 10 minutes).
And if it can not be fixed in this time, it will be resheduled to the next race-day (not next day. Could be a league runs only Mo-We-Fri or so).
I just saw Clinton posted something,.. thats ok too,..
But more importent now it looks like we have the same issue again today.
Hope the Dev's will take care of it and inform the people on a good way.

Maarten Gaasenbeek medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
Seems like qualy is up and running.
So hopefully we can a race without technical glitches.
We'll have to wait and see...

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 197 days ago
The race still hasn't run properly. It's in the same state as yesterday (frozen on lap 10).
I suspect it hasn't been reset since yesterday, and it's in a strange limbo state. Hopefully we'll get some movement on this in the next 24h or so.

Tom Brady medal 5000 12 years 196 days ago
Did the race go ok??
Our race "Formula GP" yes no problem...

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 196 days ago
There was a remaining glitch with the iGP Super Series race. I've straightened that out now and have rescheduled for tomorrow. Sorry again everyone.

Andrew Daborn medal 5000 12 years 196 days ago
Just to let you know that the race ran fine today.Thanks for looking at it.