Jason Chen medal 5000 5 years 264 days ago (Last edited by
Jason Chen 4 years 260 days ago)
Another thing that would help is surrounding yourself in very low levelled managers while being a high levelled manager... I couldn't imagine how many RPs you'd lose if you were LVL 20 and was in a tier with lvl1s!
Your manager level doesn't affect your reputation gain/loss. The rating is calculated using the Elo rating system. There are only 2 things that affect your reputation gain/loss:
1. Your finishing position relative to the number of cars taking part in the race
2. Your current reputation relative to the average reputation of the cars taking part in the race
Pathetic Loser is correct about it being impossible to reach 0 reputation at the moment, because the 2nd condition listed above cannot be well-satisfied when existing leagues' Rookie tier average reputation is typically 5000+. When your reputation is ~3300 and average reputation of the tier is 5000+, the game basically expects you to be finishing 32nd. So you'll gain reputation even if you finish 30th.