Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
three races in a row ruined. go back to the old servers! This is unplayable now

Toby Montana medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
unfortunately same in our league and a complete waste of time. would accept if low priced. but igp has steep prices and for that the server issues are not really acceptable. but i am willing to beta test 2d for free if it helps ;)

Brian Adie medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Hey guys, sad to say this has just happened to us as well, I was looking strong in the race as well...
Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
great i missed 2 stops and the chance of a decent finish :@
not happy

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
This is indeed hugely disappointing for the devs as well. They were probably told that the new servers were going to be able to cope with anything and everything that was thrown at them! - Can anyone actually believe anything they are told nowadays?
Somebody is laughing all the way to the bank and its not the devs! :(

Brent Titensor medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Jake - Hope they sort it out. I am sure the devs have a ton on the line here. Hopes, dreams, finanical gains all riding on how well things go.
This was a very bad week. Lets hope the devs as well as the game can recover and move forward.....

Simon Thornes medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
Thats what you get for issuing an update and moving servers at the same time... I hope they sort it soon before everyone leaves. This was a very enjoyable game.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 153 days ago
............and will be again.