Every incident has its roots. This one is no different.
You go to a store to buy an item. The root.
Item is advertised to cost $5. Just as drivers and staff are advertised in the transfer market.
At the point of sale, the store`s system has it at $6. Just as the case in this topic.
The standard business protocol here is the advertise price stands, regardless of internal malfunctioning. The store takes the loss due to their lack of diligence.
This is not a moral argument as to what`s the right thing to do, bc as you can tell there`re several pov`s. All of them 100% right within their own accord. I believe the poll was 14-14 when I posted this.... that`s my point.
IGP must get their POS-like systems in order to avoid similar incidents in the future. Is it easy? Probably not, but this is what they do for a living.