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Problem in Design

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medal 5000
10 years 60 days ago
This is what I do.  I make the changes (showing the dates I like for each part), I then click save and, very important, I click refresh on the browser page to see the REAL dates.  I then do the process over and over until I'm as close to what I'm looking for as possible.
medal 5000
10 years 58 days ago
yeah i got my design upgrades.. so basically i think the problem is that these upgrades are given at 13.00 if I add some more desgner later than that even if the date becomes "today"  it's going to be delivered tomorrow...  am I wrong?

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 58 days ago
The dates have been known to glitch sometimes. It's best to refresh as Duncan does to be sure.

This will no longer be an issue in version 2. Work will resume on that soon.
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