Theo Fargis medal 5096 4 years 337 days ago
Did survey and didn't get my tokens either

Nathaniel Andrews medal 5202 4 years 337 days ago
Same happened to me.

Simon Mahon medal 5476 4 years 337 days ago (Last edited by
Simon Mahon 4 years 337 days ago)
I got as far as the 7 favourite things you do pressed the forward arrow and it just said this question is required with a red asterisk no question just everything blank ??
Ok just wasted 20 mins of my life giving personnel data only for the purchase failed sign at the end
Great ?

Simon Mahon medal 5476 4 years 337 days ago
Took me ages to do the survey , cick to earn reward
Message purchase failed
Oh great 20 mins of me giving personnel data only to be ripped off with no tokens ?

Scoob Bidoo medal 5000 4 years 337 days ago
Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
José is this survey another april fools day thing?

Gerard Gizelewski medal 5000 4 years 337 days ago
Co próbowałeś zrobić?
Take 6 tokens
Co się wtedy stało?
I dot get them
Czy problem wystąpił podczas korzystania z Wi-Fi, transmisji danych lub obu?
Gdzie wystąpił problem, aplikacja, PC czy w obu?
Jakiego modelu urządzenia używasz?
Huawei P30lite
Jaki masz system operacyjny?
Jaki jest numer wersji systemu operacyjnego?
Jakiego systemu operacyjnego używasz na swoim PC?
Windows Vista
Z jakiej przeglądarki korzystałeś podczas problemu?
Czy można odtworzyć błąd?
I have screens for this bug
Dodatkowe komentarze:

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 4 years 337 days ago
Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
José is this survey another april fools day thing?
No, it isn’t but it’s funny that you asked haha.

Jim Gardner medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
So, am I just supposed to click on the link I was sent, Because it wont let me? Is it just another survey?

Kesara Kiriella medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Same thing happened to me.
Link https://igpmanager.com/app/p=shop&tp=12traits&rewardCode=aaBtLq8uUduC5s9y%2B2cp%2FnWvXn3bFb8IveQIPnhRp9g%3D

Jim Gardner medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Put the code in google and it kept trying to send me to Facebook.I get it now. Good April's fools joke. Had me goin for awhile. ??

Dave Forey medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Same thing happened to me, completed the survey, clicked to redeem rewards and it comes up in the app "Purchase Failed"

Joey Ng medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Hi guys,
The same problem happened to me as well.
Did the survey first time and no token reward.
Thought I had clicked the wrong link and found the reward link still available in the shop.
So, I redo the survey and clicked on the link at the last page, got into the app and still nothing added to the token.
Kindly check on the link.

Carlos Sainz medal 4990 4 years 336 days ago
Also did the survey and took a screenshot of the final page saying I completed it. No reward also.

Johnny Walker medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
The survey for 7 token
Cosa è successo invece?
Not rewarded
Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?
Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?
Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
Qual è il sistema operativo?
Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?
Does not matter
Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I presume you scammed so many other people.
Commenti addizionali:
Who is starving for justify this style collapse?

Grant Drage medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
I never received my tokens either.

Phat Pat medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
It is not possible to send you a message. And what or where can I find my (lynks)

Troy Salmon medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
Yep, few member of my league had the same, myself included

Jim Gardner medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
I took the survey again. The same thing happened.
How about we drop the survey since no one has gotten the promised rewards.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 4 years 336 days ago
Everyone that did the survey will receive the reward. We're working on it. Apologies!

Gerard Gizelewski medal 5000 4 years 336 days ago
I've done it third time. The same effect. No tokens. ?