Chris Louth medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
So much for neutral moderators if they go banning things that offend them and may not offend others.

Jaap Grolleman medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
So much for neutral moderators if they go banning things that offend them and may not offend others.
I think it's a clear cut case that some of names are highly inappropriate, including the ones you've came up with it. It's not so much down to subjectivity, it's rather common sense.

Jay Andrews medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
I find "A Pathetic Clown" and "A Druken Bas---d" to be funny and not offensive. And you can't turn on your TV without hearing the word Penis at least 6 times an hour. So common sense is also subjective. Lots of TV shows get plenty of sponsorship even though they are extremely crude. The point is, this is not such an easy question to answer.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
I agree that some things are offensive in certain contexts. An adult comedy show with adult content cannot by its nature be offensive. You have the choice not to watch it or listen to it if you are easily offended.
Staff , drivers , team names or even managers names are seen by everyone who accesses this web site. There may be many children browsing the site who's parents would be offended and one bad mouth comment can put a whole community of hopeful subscribers off. And there are many adults out there who find juvenile toilet humour purile.
Although I assume the majority of players may well be under 25, I would hope the devs and mods want this game to appear a bit more sophisticated than some teenage drivel that is out there already.
I have no problem in agreeing to even more draconian measures than are being taken over deleting names.

Aaron Shiffer medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
Everything is and will be examined on a case by case basis. The decision about whether or not something is offensive is at our discretion. Banning a player is a drastic action and not one we use lightly. It would be really great if we could just tell people we had to change a name because it was inappropriate in our opinion and have that be the end of it. If people are here looking for trouble, then they will probably keep looking until they find it. But, if they are here to race, then they should focus on that. Be funny, be creative, don't try to upset people. It's pretty easy. Besides, the name changes aren't free and do you really want to burn 500 reward points so that I can go and name one of your drivers after an old F1 driver or movie / television character? If you do, save us both some time and just do that from the beginning.
A few good rules of thumb for people to use when deciding on a name:
1. If the name contains a word that would get you in trouble if you wrote it on the board in a school classroom, don't do it.
2. If it is the name of a person reviled by millions of people because of their actions or beliefs, don't do it.
3. If someone in the game could see it and say "This is over the line", don't do it.
4. If you were going to use another managers actual name and they wouldn't find it to be a friendly joke, don't do it.
If you are warned about a name, please take a few minutes before creating your next name to think about whether or not it's worth the time trying to find the line between acceptable and offensive. It will have been noted that you were warned previously and we really don't want to see the same people showing up repeatedly.

Chris Louth medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
one bad mouth comment can put a whole community of hopeful subscribers off. And there are many adults out there who find juvenile toilet humour purile.
I don't think offensive driver names would be the top reason as to why people are cancelling their subscription/not suscribing in the first place.

Gary Collyer medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
This one's dodgy althought probably only people from UK will understand. Must be a re-name as the drivers female.
Ian Huntley

Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 11 years 182 days ago
1. If the name contains a word that would get you in trouble if you wrote it on the board in a school classroom, don't do it.
2. If it is the name of a person reviled by millions of people because of their actions or beliefs, don't do it.
3. If someone in the game could see it and say "This is over the line", don't do it.
4. If you were going to use another managers actual name and they wouldn't find it to be a friendly joke, don't do it.
If you are warned about a name, please take a few minutes before creating your next name to think about whether or not it's worth the time trying to find the line between acceptable and offensive. It will have been noted that you were warned previously and we really don't want to see the same people showing up repeatedly.
Now its crystal clear.
Be Civil Guys :D

Uncle Albert medal 5000 11 years 181 days ago
I am going to say 1 more thing about the matter and I am done with it.
The ones who re-name drivers to things like Hitler should take a bloody look at themselves and ask what kind of person they really are tbh. The sexual innuendos can be funny, but to sit there and do something like that knowing it will upset others is just pathetic!
Don't forget that kids play this game at the end of the day and to use an excuse that it's on TV is sad.. So TV sets the standards does it??? No wonder we are at an all time low these days. :(
If you joined any games like BF3, CSS, GW2 and any other online mp game.. You get banned from the servers and in some cases, banned from the whole game !! Try getting away with it on Guns of Icarus. People have tried and they no longer play the game, it's got a superb community as well !!!

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 11 years 181 days ago
The matter is in hand. I see no reason to continue the debate