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medal 5000
4 years 93 days ago
I don't agree with you. If they drop more the tyres durability, we can't finish race with less than 4 stops
medal 5000
4 years 90 days ago

There is clearly some level of time loss but I think it needs to be slightly greater, A worn out SS would still likely be as quick as a S with a decent fuel load, however that would wipe out people pushing the tyres to their limit and reduce chances of a SS three stop (full race distance) strategy, it’s a fine balance I’m just talking from my opinion as I prefer to drive lighter faster stints rather than filling heavy and getting an overcut. 

The cliffs vary in how much performance is lost for different tires. For all the tires, the first cliff is about 52%, but supers are still easily able to go beyond that. The furthest you want to take supers is 30%, any further and you'll be slower than the guys who pit for softs, even with higher fuel. But it's a different story for softs, you don't wanna take them below 45%, because their speed at that % is slower than a fresh set of softs or meds with high fuel. The meds can go to 50% and any further you'll be losing time. The cliffs are well defined now you can see losing time at 52, 45, 40, and 30. 
medal 5000
4 years 89 days ago
Due to the rules our league uses, we have to use the Hard tyre a few times during a season. It works brilliantly 
medal 5000
4 years 85 days ago
ok thanks
medal 5000
4 years 85 days ago





I want to see an adjustment where all types of tires are actually useable at least a few times in each season. Maybe making the tires wear slightly more could work, and making temperature an even bigger factor then it already is. Maybe an option to turn off refueling could work as well.

I'm just about to do my 200th race on iGP manager, and I've never used Hard tyres ??

I've raced before the big tire update, and before that hards and mediums were the way to go iirc

Yeah I've noticed from looking through the forums that it seems that to counter the hard tyre being too strong, they made it completely useless. Unless they bring out a circuit that runs over lava ??

I'm not criticising devs or anyone else, I love the game, but it would be nice if the soft tyre wasn't so dominant in most conditions 

funny enough I remember someone mentioning that people would just then start complaining about ss and softs being too op if they made a tire update to make hards and mediums worse, but at least mediums can work at some tracks, because i think i remember mediums being completely useless at the start of the new tire update, maybe worse then hards

Definitely. I find they work brilliantly in France, even in temperatures as low as 15 (59) degrees. They're effective at monza if it's hot, and Abu Dhabi 
medal 5000
4 years 77 days ago
 The issue with the tyres is that they all drop off at 50% wear, but it should only be SS & S.

(SS) Super-soft Tyre: 51-60 S performance, 61-70 M performance, 71-90 H performance, 91-100 Cliff.

(S) Soft Tyre: 51-70 M performance, 71-90 H performance, 91-100 Cliff.

(M) Medium Tyre: 71-90 H performance, 91-100 Cliff

(H) Hard Tyre: 91-100 Cliff.

(I) Intermediate Tyre: 91-100 FW performance.

(FW) Full Wet Tyre: 0-100 
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