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Pit stop in Spain

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medal 5000
4 years 115 days ago


in my opinion the problems can be three 
1. the cache full and I advise you to clear the cache 
2. the windmills you have in the pits
 3. Maybe it's better that I don't write it on three

? told you windmills were involved somehow ?


medal 5000
4 years 114 days ago
It is time for the boys to denounce the thousands of people missing in the pits of Spain. Something must be done before the tragedy takes on uncontrollable dimensions. The seizure of managers is a criminal offence.... 

How many gallons did you put in your pick-up in Spain, Pier Giovanni?

In Kansas City we don't even consider people who don't think in gallons. 

It's all a matter of gallons... gallons, Pier Giovanni...

medal 4987 Moderator
4 years 114 days ago
Oh dear, galleons in Spain pits? If galleons are involved that driver and other people that went missing are on their way to, like, China with a choice to sign up as crew or go for a long, long swim.
medal 5000
4 years 113 days ago
There are definitely still bugs when pitting.The league im in is quite closely bunched racing and can notice it alot more. On certain tracks like spain you can enter the pits and lose so much time being pit blocked or sometimes the car in fronts just has so much quicker getaway out of the pit lane its unreal. Plus annoying as its out of your control. But i and many other managers i know have raised these issues but no one from Igp Team seems to take any notice of us. 
medal 4987 Moderator
4 years 113 days ago
The differences in pit exit speed are known to the devs afaik, but I don't know about the priority. For massive time losses due to more block issues some videos would be nice to see under which circumstances it still happens.
medal 5685 Community Manager
4 years 113 days ago

  1. Pitstops were highly improved and I don't say that, players did when we introduced the fixes and improvements for this.

  2. If you find that something isn't working as expected please share with us a video of it and the race id.

  3. It's a know bug some weird behaviour when the car leaves the pitlane and rejoin the track, we'll address it in the mid term.

  4. For Bugs please use the Bugs subforum with the premade form, I close this topic due to this reason.

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