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Base prize money

Base Prize Money

37.84% (14)
62.16% (23)
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medal 5272 Community Manager
3 years 318 days ago
Hello Luca,

I appreciate all of the suggestions on the forum but this one was rejected in the past too many times for different reasons, let me explain!

  1. It’s a manager game, you need to feel what real-life managers face day to day. Of course some real teams in F1 struggle with their finances, look at Williams or Haas for example. You need to learn how to manage your finances wisely and carefully. The game has too much work of balance behind it, we’re constantly tracking it, we’ve huge folders full of data of this kind, what we do is data driven, not random.

  2. You’re talking about respect, ok, let’s talk about it... You’re underrating our hard work, we’ve families to feed and this is our job, not a hobby. You said “I don’t want to waste my money” I can’t imagine someone with a minimum of respect going to a bakery and asking for free bread because he doesn’t want to waste money. We already give too many stuff for free, you can obtain the paid currency with sponsors for example. Daily Rewards are also for free... There are weekly contests in social media with awesome prizes...

  3. Firstly you said we need to reward effort for the winner, next topic was about give a reward to the worst teams to “balance”, now rewards for everyone. Your argument fall topic by topic, you just want something for free, no reason behind it.

I can recommend you several guides written by experienced managers that will help you to master the game and learn. Please appreciate the work we do at the studio, we love our product, our job and our community. This isn’t a joke for us. Thank you.

medal 5000
3 years 318 days ago
this time José is absolutely right. I have been playing for 4 years, I have many accounts, and spending real money has never been a priority, indeed in my opinion it is too much what you earn at each race especially at high levels ... the rewards for those who win are fine but they shouldn't in money but in prestige. the results obtained should be highlighted, in which championships and against whom they were obtained .... at the moment winning a rookie championship is equivalent to winning an elite competitive championship, this is the wrong thing. I repeat (although I will regret it) this time José is right. ps I'm not a moderator I'm not a staff member I'm just an IGP employee.
medal 5000
3 years 318 days ago
i will stop pursuing my cause now, it obviously is just making things worse. I apologise for anything that I said which may have been rude, but I hope you can accept this, and my opinions, and we can move on, and make this game better TOGETHER. this game is about the community

Edit: I hope you stop trying to make a block function because of me.
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