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Proposed Mini map system & real-time gaps for DRS

Mini map and real-time gaps

88.68% (94)
Yes, love it!
2.83% (3)
No, hate it!
8.49% (9)
I don't mind
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medal 5000
3 years 303 days ago
I gave it all a good think and came with some extras:

For the mini-map:
1- I think a black track is easier to see and work with, because the background is light blue and white most of the time. It would also be hard (if not impossible) to add the team's colors to it. So, I think if the other teams could be slightly different shades of light grey (or other light colors except blue) and your dots being well distinguished (yellow or red) it would make the mini-map more useful to get information at a glance. The mini-map for Singapore and rainy races would need a small variation as the background would be darker, but I haven't raced in those circumstances yet to know which colors would be good, but following this line would be interesting ?;

2- I would like you to test more in medium-low quality devices and connections to see if it impacts frame rate to avoid 2 frames per lap as it was for some people on launch. Also, would we see the entire track or just partially on mobile?

3- Would we see the boost being used on this mini-map? If yes, could we get which car is using it (16 ?, for example)?

For the real-time gaps:
1- I don't think a frame by frame update or a lot of mini-sector times like F1 are necessary. Maybe breaking each sector into 3 mini-sectors could be more useful and more ease on data. Adding up a DRS time update would be great too and it would also reduce some of the complains on "dropped while inside 1s". So, from the current 3 time gaps to 10 per lap might be good ?. If not, maybe breaking each sector into 2 mini-sectors for 7 updates per lap would still be useful and interesting to know;

2- I'm not sure if we need the milliseconds on this one as it would even more info than we currently have and would make it too "easy" to save as some boost ?.

I have high hopes for iGP future, but you need to keep us going with a manager game and not watching and giving commands on a racing one ?
medal 5000
3 years 302 days ago
Doing away with the tyre icon on the leader board could allow extending the Gap Data...
The tyres have a tab all on their own to look up what tyre everyone is on.
A lot of people might not be too happy though, having to switch tabs.

medal 5000
3 years 302 days ago

One common feedback on 3D is that even in aerial view you can't know as much as in 2D and that it is hard to judge the gaps. A minimap was a suggestion even during testing but we didn't have time to add it before launch. This proposal expands on the minimap idea, combining it with real-time gap data to ensure that 3D mode can see everything that 2D can see. 2D mode would also receive the real-time gap data, so the playing field would be level.

3D - Mini map:

  • Add a mini-map visible on each of the 3D camera modes

  • When the mini-map is tapped, it opens 3D mode's full-screen 'map' view

  • In full-screen map view, provide a similarly quick option to return from map view to the 3D camera you were using before viewing the map, so you can easily and quickly toggle between the two as needed with one-click each time

2D & 3D - Real-time gaps data:

  • Add real-time gap data over cars within 1.5 seconds of the selected car that you are viewing.

  • E.g. the car in front will say "-1.234" seconds above it and the car behind will say "+1.234" seconds.

  • This will allow precise management of the gap for DRS. This will bring the data and level of insight available in 3D in to line with that in 2D, even increasing it beyond the levels currently in the game for both.

medal 5482
3 years 302 days ago
Minimap: absolutely, but if there was 3D in true top down it wouldn't be so necessary
Real time gaps: No! The best players can judge gaps and adding this will destroy the skill gap! I would support an F1- style system where it updates at set points around the track (maybe 2 or 3 times a sector) though, if that's what you mean
medal 5000
3 years 302 days ago

Minimap: absolutely, but if there was 3D in true top down it wouldn't be so necessary
Real time gaps: No! The best players can judge gaps and adding this will destroy the skill gap! I would support an F1- style system where it updates at set points around the track (maybe 2 or 3 times a sector) though, if that's what you mean

The best players are also having to contend with scaling issues, COTA used to be obvious where you'd get DRS, today i was getting it from cars off the screen
medal 5167
3 years 298 days ago
Also think that perhaps being able to have the screen be mostly the original 2D map with part of it as an onboard 3D would be cool. Allows best management of the race using the 2D view as well as integrating the 3D cameras for some of the users used to the 2D map.
medal 5000
3 years 296 days ago
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