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iGP manager advanced, twitch stream

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medal 5000
9 years 348 days ago
Yuri, I would definitely have tuned into that, but only discovered this thread today. I raced in PCGC for a couple of seasons, and picked up some good stuff by wathing you and the other leaders in elite. I would definitely like to gather some more information though, are you going to do this again?
medal 5000
9 years 348 days ago
Yuri, I would definitely have tuned into that, but only discovered this thread today. I raced in PCGC for a couple of seasons, and picked up some good stuff by wathing you and the other leaders in elite. I would definitely like to gather some more information though, are you going to do this again?

I remember you Mr Parker.. (It's Rob)

I'll get Yuri to do this again but we'll get some better plug in's for Java.. I am guessing that Minecraft would be the best to look in to... being the best of the best when it comes to anything Java related.. So they must have some streaming content we should be able to use.
medal 5000
9 years 348 days ago
Thanks Rob, I live in a Steve Jobs world and use Firefox virtual browser for the Java related parts of the game. It is rather painful, but its the only way I can be active for any of the races. In the next couple of months I would really like to try my hand at being competitive in PCGC again.
medal 5000
9 years 334 days ago
Are you still doing this?
medal 5000
9 years 334 days ago
I've done it and after an hour nobody was watching the stream so I stopped

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