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Changing max participants

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medal 5084 Super Mod
2 years 163 days ago
IMHO, if a level cap for each tier was introduced there is a good chance that Rookie and Pro would be more active than they currently are because people would be held in the lower two tiers for a few seasons longer.

Ultimately it is as I said back in post #7 two weeks ago... there is a huge imbalance between the number of active players and the number of leagues.

The solution to redress this imbalance is either recruit an enormous number of new players or reduce the number of leagues. The first is unlikely to happen soon and the second will be unpopular with the hosts and members of the leagues that would be forced to close.

It's a tricky situation for the Devs, do nothing and the situation will not improve, do something and it will inevitably result in heated criticism from some.

I imagine if the Devs choose to do anything, the direction they take will be commercially driven. Advertising and pushing the game more actively might increase the number of new recruits but in my opinion the current tier structure is a major problem when it comes to retention.
medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago

This kind of threads are always full of people that see everything from their viewpoint. They belong to two categories:

 1) I am level 20, I play this game from 2005, I am better because I have an higher level,  who cares if new players need years to be competitive? Let's put a level cap so lapped drivers won't ruin my fun.

2) I am a league host, I want a 96 players league, let's put a level cap so people won't leave my pro tier and I am happy.

Nobody of them cares about the new players' experience. Their fun is over when they hit a pro tier without hopes of being promoted because there are few opponents and too strong opponents. The current system is simply unbalanced. Inactive rookie tiers and pro tiers empty or ruined by demoted elite players. Level cap is wrong especially if asked by people in category 1 and 2.

You are misguided in your opinions as why people suggest a level cap.  It has nothing to do with maintaining the status quo or preventing people’s fun as you call it.  When a level 12 ends up in a Elite tier with experienced level 20’s they get destroyed often lapped twice or more.  They then react “what’s the point?” and quit.  There is no point in being in Elite when your race times are 4 minutes slower than those you are hoping to compete with (at least for the majority of players).

Yes there is a massive issue with Pro tiers and introducing more tiers will make it worse not better.  Personally I would go further and not just introduce caps for entering a tier,  but also on who could start public leagues.  Too many times I see low level players with anything from 5 to 20 races experience try to set up leagues.  This just results in bad leagues, provides a poor experience and drains the flow of new players into leagues with healthy structures. You mention relegated elite ruining Pro tiers? In what way?  If they are inactive they should be easy to beat and if they are active then that just demonstrates that the others aren’t strong enough for Elite or do you mean they ruin them in some other way? 

It has been suggested before that iGP should host all rookie and Pro leagues enabling managers who earn promotion (and yes a suitable level) to join Public Elite leagues.  This won’t be popular with either players wanting promotion or indeed leagues hosts trying to make their leagues successful, but it is not about protecting a league’s integrity or maintaining status quo/spoiling fun etc.  it’s about enabling newer players to grow in a environment where they are competitive.  It is difficult to do this under current system as frankly they are too many leagues relative to the size of the active player base. 

I understand why everyone wants to get to Elite asap it’s human nature, but many people desire this without really thinking about whether they are going to be competitive and enjoy the game.  Of course under the current system it’s their choice and they can always move to a Pro tier in  another league where promotion is active.

And yes I agree with you that these threads are always full of polarised viewpoints and I doubt that will ever change since there isn’t really an answer that works for everyone.

I just don’t understand how level caps would make it better. I can see a level 15/16 getting upset because they earned a promotion and can’t move up because of a level cap. It doesn’t matter if they make it to elite or not because they will still feel disheartened that they can’t compete anymore and lose interest.

At the end of the day this should be an issue the league manager should deal with. I say extra players and tiers but in the end of the day the league owner (should) know where they’re league is at and they should be able to modify their league structure to best suit the situation.

I know there is a fair percentage of bad leagues but I can’t see a way to manage this other than increasing the price to form one or  suggest otherwise. This is more of a problem among the player base and because of this I don’t see a solution ever coming in this forum thread. The best we can do is give existing leagues a chance to expand and improve to give extra insensitive to new players.
medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago

I just don’t understand how level caps would make it better. I can see a level 15/16 getting upset because they earned a promotion and can’t move up because of a level cap.

It does, pro tiers will remain full and your lapped car won't help the elite leader causing the rage of p2 player ?.

Seriously, I think that rookie and pro should be replaced by more "global" tiers managed by the game itself (a ladder of 5/7 tiers) and their purpose is just to make experience. You can make experience at a faster rate than now till level 20(30)?

As a new player you will feel satisfied by looking at your progress and you will learn against active players.

Once you are promoted to elite (or reach level 20) you can join elite public leagues. When there are too many players in the same league, it autosplits in groups. Players in group 2, 3 or N are not demoted, it means that you are simply in a lower group of that elite league. You can try to find your way to progress from group N to group 1 or you can join a smaller league in its group 1 or even a private league with your friends.

The most competitive leagues will have more groups/players and won't claim to be such by claiming to have the best rated players as of now.
The best league will have more players/tiers and each tier will be populated by players with similar skills.

That's my suggestion.

medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago


I just don’t understand how level caps would make it better. I can see a level 15/16 getting upset because they earned a promotion and can’t move up because of a level cap.

It does, pro tiers will remain full and your lapped car won't help the elite leader causing the rage of p2 player ?.

Seriously, I think that rookie and pro should be replaced by more "global" tiers managed by the game itself (a ladder of 5/7 tiers) and their purpose is just to make experience. You can make experience at a faster rate than now till level 20(30)?

As a new player you will feel satisfied by looking at your progress and you will learn against active players.

Once you are promoted to elite (or reach level 20) you can join elite public leagues. When there are too many players in the same league, it autosplits in groups. Players in group 2, 3 or N are not demoted, it means that you are simply in a lower group of that elite league. You can try to find your way to progress from group N to group 1 or you can join a smaller league in its group 1 or even a private league with your friends.

The most competitive leagues will have more groups/players and won't claim to be such by claiming to have the best rated players as of now.
The best league will have more players/tiers and each tier will be populated by players with similar skills.

That's my suggestion.

If the devs decided to do a major rework this would be great, but starting from here the transition would be brutal:

  • Splitting the current leagues would be an absolute mess. I’m just not sure how one would separate all the rookie and pro players into 7 tiers. Reputation? Level? Whatever they devs come up with people will be on here complaining.

  • Races in the “global” tiers. Unless the devs press their luck and try a 6000 car race, there would have to be multiple races in each tier. Figuring out who races who at what time would be a big undertaking and would probably require making different groups for different regions.

  • The actual rules for the races themselves is the biggest issue I have about this proposal. If these races are managed by the game, then there has to be a set of rules identical between all of the races. With player-managed leagues, players have a choice to chose between different rules and race times; try to replace it with set rules and people will be complaining.

  • The vast majority of league owners will lose it over an update like this. Most will lose 50%+ of their players because they won’t be at the level cap and it would take away promotion and regulation for everyone else. It would take multiple seasons (depending on the league) to repopulate with elite players, and more until the league expands enough for more promotion and regulations; at that point, a fair proportion of owners will be ticked off, ranting on the forums for the old leagues back, and then they would leave. It’s not fair that the decent leagues have to get split up because of the saturation of bad leagues.

While the only way to fix this problem is through change, I don’t see this as popular. I would rather spend a dozen seasons stuck in pro as I am now then be forced to fight for elite when they tell me to, with who they put me with, and with rules I don’t like. If people are forced to play like this many would just give it up.

Maybe I misunderstood, but I think the time to implement this passed. People are used to the current situation and I believe the answer here is a evolution on the current league as opposed to a complete restart.

medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago
Good observations. I don't imagine these tiers linked among them. You subscribe to the tier that you prefer: days/timezone/length/rules then when the season ends you can subscribe to another tier depending on your level/achievements and you will find new opponents.

The transition from current system to a new one must be done sooner or later. How to make it in the best way it's iGP's problem and must be done.
medal 5686
2 years 163 days ago
What Kevin said is absolutely spot on, he provided cause and solution. There isn't really any other way to improve this. Let's hope the Devs are takin notes, I'm not sure if they even read the forum?
medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago
I repeat:
Stopping players' progression to please league hosts or "top players" is the absolute evil. 

Change the progression system, add more levels or anything else but please don't ruin the new players' experience or the game will slowly die.
medal 5000
2 years 163 days ago

Good observations. I don't imagine these tiers linked among them. You subscribe to the tier that you prefer: days/timezone/length/rules then when the season ends you can subscribe to another tier depending on your level/achievements and you will find new opponents.

The transition from current system to a new one must be done sooner or later. How to make it in the best way it's iGP's problem and must be done.

If it was that open then personally I would upvote your idea.

However, there will be a large amount of people who will complain regardless, mostly from league owners who will have to give up part of their leagues. It will encourage new players to play at the risk of losing veterans. I’m just not sure the devs would want to risk.

As I said earlier, the core of the problem is in the players, and no matter what the decision is people won’t like it and we can’t do anything about it. The best we can do is appeal to the public and see what they think.

medal 5084 Super Mod
2 years 163 days ago
I repeat:
Stopping players' progression to please league hosts or "top players" is the absolute evil. 

Change the progression system, add more levels or anything else but please don't ruin the new players' experience or the game will slowly die.

Introducing checks to prevent low level players from hitting the Elite tier until they can be competitive is nothing to do with pleasing hosts or L20 Elite players, it is all about the new player "experience".

I have lost count of the number of enthusiastic new players who join the league I host, they are involved in the game, they post on the league wall, they join our league Discord server and ask questions of the experienced managers to better understand the game. They promote to Elite at L12, run around at the back for a few races and by halfway through their first season as an Elite manager they disappear never to be seen again. Is this the "experience" that will be ruined by introducing level caps.

Additionally, as someone else said earlier, something needs to be done to limit the number of new leagues that are being created. It costs 50 tokens to promote a L20 driver from your YDA, on that scale it should cost something like 500 tokens to create a league. Two benefits from this, it would generate revenue for the game to fund infrastructure and future development and it would help redress the balance between number of leagues and active players which is currently totally out of kilter.

Of course, as always there would be drawbacks associated with charging tokens to create leagues. I imagine it would be much harder to sanction toxic hosts if they have effectively "bought" their league. 

Finally, before anyone accuses me of looking after my own interests, I'm more than happy to discuss merging the league I host with another league that runs at the same time if that is what the people who race in my league and the other league would want.
medal 5359 Community Manager
2 years 163 days ago

What Kevin said is absolutely spot on, he provided cause and solution. There isn't really any other way to improve this. Let's hope the Devs are takin notes, I'm not sure if they even read the forum?

I do read literally everything posted in the forum.

medal 5000
2 years 162 days ago
Maybe I was being a little excessive in prior posts but I am interested where this is heading. I have opened up to the level cap a bit but I think it is still inflexible given all the different leagues and their situations. This would be better off as a mandatory setting league owners have to set as opposed to one set level.

@Kevin Bissell has the idea, there is just too much saturation. Though I will be honest 500 tokens is a bit of a stretch (That’s like 120 races with a 3 token income); without going into pay to play territory a 25-30 token charge wouldn’t be too much of an ask given almost every free to play game has a forming cost for leagues/teams/clubs.

Not sure how it will changing max participants, don’t think this is what the OP meant when he created the thread.
medal 5007
2 years 162 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 162 days ago)
Changing the number of participants is exactly what the OP wanted (he wanted to reduce it to 10 per tier).

I also agree with Kevin that 500 tokens would be a fair cost for starting a new league. For the game to survive we need consolidation into well managed leagues and if 500 tokens prevents the proliferation of small leagues in my opinion it is a good thing.  However. I still believe that there is a place for private leagues where rl friends or family play (the challenge is finding a way to do this without compromising the aim to consolidate public leagues).
medal 5686
2 years 162 days ago
Whilst I agree with Kevin 500 tokens would be excessive, no one would create a league at that cost. Creating revenue is so Easy other ways.
medal 5084 Super Mod
2 years 162 days ago
No one would create a league at that cost.

That's the cunning plan, we already have enough leagues. ?
medal 5000
2 years 154 days ago
It’s crazy that Kevin (as a long term admin) is STILL having to say this, he’s been suggesting it all for ages. He is one of the most knowledgeable people here and always considers what he says before suggesting new improvements.
For what it’s worth, I would say that only level 17-18 managers are allowed to create new leagues, although 500 coins is also a great idea and more beneficial to the sustainability of the game. The higher threshold would allow a manager time to fully understand the game and decide whether to actually create a league, or to find and join a current league which in 95% of cases is the best idea.
I have been involved in creating a new league that actually took off and thrived… but WOW it was hard work getting all the eggs aligned and having everyone ready for the 1st season without any issues!
medal 4908
2 years 154 days ago

Rookies getting promoted through to Elite very quickly is a different issue and another problem which the developers should ideally resolve. 

If newcomers to the game join a league with an active and experienced Elite tier, they spend two or three seasons -competing against inactives and filler accounts in Rookie and Pro then get promoted to Elite at L12 and are totally destroyed by experienced L20 Managers.

They become demoralised and quickly lose interest because they are running around a lap or two behind the leaders with no hope of getting a top 10 finish.

I don't disagree with increasing the number of teams that promote but this should be done in tandem with setting a minimum level for promotion. Maybe something like L10 to promote from Rookie to Pro and L16 from Pro to Elite. This way, when the inexperienced managers get promoted, they at least have a team which is capable of competing if it is well managed.

My league is pretty dedicated, and the members are still happy even tho they are lvl 9 accounts in Elite. That’s because they are still fighting for points sometimes and because they level up really quickly due to the highest lvl account (me, lvl 18) is boosting their level quickly. Since my league has strict activity requirements players will never be up against AFK accounts for multiple seasons. But since most leagues are, i think promotion/relegation should be left up to the league coordinators themselves where they can set the amount of managers that promote/relegate each season to best suit their league.
medal 5007
2 years 154 days ago (Last edited by Herbie Rides Again 2 years 154 days ago)

Rookies getting promoted through to Elite very quickly is a different issue and another problem which the developers should ideally resolve. 

If newcomers to the game join a league with an active and experienced Elite tier, they spend two or three seasons -competing against inactives and filler accounts in Rookie and Pro then get promoted to Elite at L12 and are totally destroyed by experienced L20 Managers.

They become demoralised and quickly lose interest because they are running around a lap or two behind the leaders with no hope of getting a top 10 finish.

I don't disagree with increasing the number of teams that promote but this should be done in tandem with setting a minimum level for promotion. Maybe something like L10 to promote from Rookie to Pro and L16 from Pro to Elite. This way, when the inexperienced managers get promoted, they at least have a team which is capable of competing if it is well managed.

My league is pretty dedicated, and the members are still happy even tho they are lvl 9 accounts in Elite. That’s because they are still fighting for points sometimes and because they level up really quickly due to the highest lvl account (me, lvl 18) is boosting their level quickly. Since my league has strict activity requirements players will never be up against AFK accounts for multiple seasons. But since most leagues are, i think promotion/relegation should be left up to the league coordinators themselves where they can set the amount of managers that promote/relegate each season to best suit their league.

To be fair though your League is not typical of others. 

1.  It’s Private 
2.  Going by your comments the range in Elite is 9-18 which is ‘Elite’ in name only (at least for some of the participants).

There is nothing wrong with that and my comments aren’t meant to be critical.  The biggest issue in the game is the over population of Leagues compared to the active player base and unless changes are made the game can’t survive long term.

We need to introduce some criteria which either makes it very difficult to set up new leagues or we have level caps (in fact probably both in tandem).  I’m not suggesting if the cap for Elite was 16 any manager below that level should be automatically relegated.  However, if they are relegated through performance then the cap should apply once they are competing in Pro (and same applies for say a level 9 in Pro if they get relegated to Rookie then the level cap of 10 would apply.

Obviously for new managers or teams the level caps would apply straightaway.

Giving more power to hosts to set the no of participants,  no of promoted/relegated teams only benefits their particular league while at the same time being potentially detrimental to the overall health of the game and in my opinion that trumps the needs of an individual league. 

Finally, I did say in an earlier post that private leagues should be exempt from any of these changes and having given it further thought I have changed my opinion.  It should apply to all leagues.  Otherwise some managers would just create a plethora of private leagues to get around the level caps and this would just make the current situation worse (unless of course the 500 token suggestion made by a Kevin was in place ?)

Of course a lot of managers won’t agree with me and that is fine as everyone has their opinions on how to improve the game.
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