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Farming leagues and accounts

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medal 5075
191 days ago
Is interesting to see now no one from igp(Mods or Jose)after they saw there are many people that are vs them,i think there will be a big scandal and will not end soon,like 100 posts i expect to see here

Imo I don’t think anyone is against the farming ban. Think Rollo is arguing that the penalty he suffered is too harsh (could have maybe gone a different path with what he wrote). The guy that started this thread has an agenda against the mods/other communities so is taking out his frustration on other drivers and hunting down those farming

medal 5792
191 days ago


Is interesting to see now no one from igp(Mods or Jose)after they saw there are many people that are vs them,i think there will be a big scandal and will not end soon,like 100 posts i expect to see here

Imo I don’t think anyone is against the farming ban. Think Rollo is arguing that the penalty he suffered is too harsh (could have maybe gone a different path with what he wrote). The guy that started this thread has an agenda against the mods so is taking out his frustration on other drivers and hunting down those farming

From what Rollo said i think he wants to say he wasn't farming and tbh i trust him,the league looks ok,not like a farming one,it's just a offline league,and just because he was playing with more accounts in the same league that's not a reason to ban,or to reset the account
medal 5333
191 days ago
They do anything with the ban.
Under the pretext that a handful of accounts are farming, they crush the entire league and the accounts in it without any in-depth study. 
Accounts that are active on a daily basis (racing strategies, repairs, Token purchases) are banned with it. 
This is how the game will grow. We are on the right track, IGP will be nothing more than a memory in a few months
medal 5685 Community Manager
191 days ago
I’m done with this topic.
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