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Lost $Millions / Drivers / Staff After Race

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medal 5317
16 days ago
Thanks guys, have the money back in my team
medal 5222
16 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
money gone

Passierte das Problem, während du WLAN, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder auf beiden Plattformen aufgetreten?

Welches Betriebssystem ist auf deinem PC?
win 10

In welchem Browser ist der Fehler aufgetreten?

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
yes restart dosnt work other

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5221
16 days ago
same to me, 60 mio bugs gone!
medal 6012
16 days ago
The entire game is going crazy also before your drivers amount of races left didnt change in sprints but now it does is that supposed to happen?
medal 5494
16 days ago
Tengo el mismo problema, me cobró como si hubiera hecho 5 carreras de liga tras una sprint
medal 5138
16 days ago
I've also lost money, by the looks of it through wages?
medal 5090
16 days ago
I'm not able to level up I'm running fast races but I'm always at the same level the game has improved but this change I don't like at all I hope they solve this problem as quickly as possible because I was in a very happy league because I was the leader. 
medal 5451
16 days ago
I have the same problem. Today personell and delivery costs has been deducted 3 times? please check my finances..
thank you very much
medal 5110 Super Mod
16 days ago
Mod Note: just merged this item into the thread  but it was quite early, so flagging it incase it is unresolved so it doesn't get lost.
medal 5590
16 days ago
Same problem.
It been count 5 races between 18:28 and 18:32.
I check it on the financial history
So i loss 14.8m For these 5 races that i never started and my driver have been sacked because it has 2 contract races left and with these 5 race have been sacked and i have now a driver lvl 1 with 47 races left.
Also my first driver had 8 contract races left and now it has 3.
So i think it was decreased also to the staff.
Also another player in my league has lost a driver i think
medal 5724
15 days ago
Here comes my payment history for the 6th February :-(

medal 6113
15 days ago
i had to pay each race an so i lost a lot of money

each sprintrace the same - no more fun the game

ive lost so many credits!
medal 5417
15 days ago (Last edited by Skid Solo 15 days ago)
I understand it’s a testing time for the game and it looks like there are multiple duplicate transactions being deducted from my account resulting in millions being lost.  This really should get a high priority to fix.  I am now broke and have no intention of spending tokens to get my finances back into shape.  I can’t repair so I might as well quit and I’m sure many others will. 

In my situation for 5th &6th Feb all transactions have been duplicated 3 times
medal 6113
15 days ago

Lost £13.4 million as well, same league. Also had 3 cars show in the results as did others.

it is each race even sprint u do, you pay full honorar to team and driver  - big bug!

medal 5221
15 days ago

Here comes my payment history for the 6th February :-(

exact like me
medal 5222
15 days ago

Here comes my payment history for the 6th February :-(

that is what is it!

medal 5524
15 days ago
Lost around 23 million and my driver I don’t why but there is problem with the game please fix it 
medal 5122
15 days ago
Hello greetings... My reason for writing is because of a pilot who has been released for an error... Yesterday before the league race there were 2 races left to finish the contract... Then at the end of the race the driver was released.... I would like the driver back... S. Grajales/ Talent 30/ Rarity LEGENDARY/ Level ent 25/ Skill Esp Wet Floor... Thank you if it is not too much to ask... greetings
medal 5110 Super Mod
15 days ago
Hello Fainer, I've merged your post here with other people having issues caused by races calculating the end multiple times. Hopefully you will receive support for the missing driver as soon as possible.
medal 5122
15 days ago
Thank you
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