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race viewer not loading

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medal 5000
8 years 116 days ago
No qualy and race for our league too. And the schedule shows that the race has finished and next will be Abu Dhabi, although there are no results for Brazil.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 116 days ago
Reece, I was forced to skip the race in your league and several others to avoid any further issues. The service keeps thinking that races affected by the server fault a couple of days ago are running, when they are not, so it never starts them. It has been giving us and you headaches for a couple of days.

We're going to patch up the server logic so that this can't be repeated in future, but also to avoid any more short-term problems we're skipping these races.
medal 5748
8 years 115 days ago
In our league, Formula Ludoclub, race viewer doesn't work. You told us the issue was fixed, but race viewer probably doesn't know it. :P
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 115 days ago
In our league, Formula Ludoclub, race viewer doesn't work. You told us the issue was fixed, but race viewer probably doesn't know it. :P

It's just you, as far as I can see. The race ran fine, and 3-4 people were watching your race, a quote from the other people in the league.

If the viewer had trouble connecting for any reason, there are so many things that can cause that (even on your own computer, with your ISP etc.) that it's really impossible to say why that happened without evidence.
medal 5000
8 years 115 days ago
In our league, Formula Ludoclub, race viewer doesn't work. You told us the issue was fixed, but race viewer probably doesn't know it. :P

It's just you, as far as I can see. The race ran fine, and 3-4 people were watching your race, a quote from the other people in the league.

If the viewer had trouble connecting for any reason, there are so many things that can cause that (even on your own computer, with your ISP etc.) that it's really impossible to say why that happened without evidence.

Hi Jack. Because of the 3 day hick up and forcing the next race our schedule of race days is now 1 day off. we dont do weekend events but our schedule of upcoming now shows tuesday - saturday instead of M-F. can this be adjusted?

medal 5748
8 years 114 days ago
In our league, Formula Ludoclub, race viewer doesn't work. You told us the issue was fixed, but race viewer probably doesn't know it. :P

It's just you, as far as I can see. The race ran fine, and 3-4 people were watching your race, a quote from the other people in the league.

If the viewer had trouble connecting for any reason, there are so many things that can cause that (even on your own computer, with your ISP etc.) that it's really impossible to say why that happened without evidence.

I saw their answer after I posted here. Anyway, I was in trouble but I have not idea why. I was connected using the same pc and line I always use. We'll see today, I hope well.
medal 5419 CEO & CTO
8 years 114 days ago
Hi Jack. Because of the 3 day hick up and forcing the next race our schedule of race days is now 1 day off. we dont do weekend events but our schedule of upcoming now shows tuesday - saturday instead of M-F. can this be adjusted?

That should be corrected now.
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