yes only 3 I'm owed, but if you want to do a spot of digging, selling people on auctions seems like we dont get paid. doesn't show on the history page of making money for auctioning off staff.
James I've refunded your tokens (plus a few extra on the house). Sorry about the delay.
We'll look into not getting paid when selling drivers/staff at auction. We had this issue before and I thought it was fixed but perhaps not. Last test I did with Jack around a month ago it was working.
Thanks Ricky,
Delay's are no problem, I'm in no rush. As things stand, I'm holding on to the drivers to see what cooks when their experience hits 20. They are of low talent & experience but they seem to be doing ok in races against high experience legacy drivers, Leslie Oldham seems to be spot on when he said the new gen is faster than old gen.
Same I've lost in total 4 tokens trying to bid on two TDs and one DR. The auction appears to start fine however when I refresh the page or look later my bid has disappeared and I don't receive the staff.
Sorry about the bidding issues again. Kim, Harley, Alexander, I've refunded your tokens plus extra for the inconvenience.
There was an issue with some auctions not being won when the countdown timer reached 00:00 when they should have. This should now be rectified. Harley, your bid for 6924 Martin Ots was successful and hes now in your team.
Not too sure if it's a game sync issue or my internet connection that is causing it though.
There's a slight lag on the times on the transfers page compared to the individual auctions (usually around 10 seconds here). I think this is due to the amount of drivers/staff in the list that need constantly updating. I don't think it's out of sync enough to cause a big issue
Hows this for lag... The TD I bid on there on the 20th that failed to join my team after the auction just joined my team tonight. When I loaded up the app after the race, he is in my reserve list.
This is likely part of the bug last week where for a small number of auctions the countdown timer got stuck and the auctions didn't complete. That particular auction must have only restarted properly yesterday when it was added to the transfers list again and completed to countdown.