This is getting ridiculous, reliability at 79, manufacturing at 10, I'm level 13 and i should pay 17 parts to fix my cars, even if I'd have maximum manufacturing (that is 13) I should still pay 5 tokens per race to be able to repair my car for the next race, as it stands, at 5 tokens per race it makes no sense to continue to play.
Excluding reliability, which is probably the largest factor that affects how much parts wear, the wear rate seems to be different at each track and may possibly be different for drivers as well. I last reported needing 9 parts to repair a car entirely. The race after that caused my cars to need 8 parts each to repair them to 100%. Again I only have 51 reliability and my design and manufacturing facilities are level 14.
This is all important data, everybody should be taking note if these values are changing from race to race so we can get some answers. It may give us insight into just how essential it may be to develop reliability and force season strategies to change (e.g. Replacing parts every other race rather than every race) or require players to properly budget tokens earned from Sponsorship.
That said, my B-team needs 6 parts to replace a car entirely from the last race's wear rate, and I won't be replacing parts on that team's cars tonight to see how the wear rate moves after two races.