Fabio Couto medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago (edited 7 years 94 days ago)
E ai galera! blz?
Décima temporada do iGP Brazil World Series começando dia 27/09
Recruta - 7 vagas
Pro - 6 vagas
Elite - completa
De segunda a domingo. 21h gmt-3
100% com velocidade 2x
Senha é 123a
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=6264 -- LINK
Hello everyone! :)
Tenth season starting on 09/27 :)
Rookie - 7 slots
Pro - 6 slots
Elite - full
Password is 123a
100% with speed in 2x
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=6264 -- LINK
John Doe medal 5000 7 years 88 days ago
Hello my name is brian, I am the manager of the league Formula Argentina Racing
League: https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=26329
We are about to start the new season. We run every day at 7:00 pm in Argentina.
We have 75% races all season and some special races of 100%
There are vacancies in
Newbies 2
Professional 8
Elite 14
We make constant surveys and we attend any consultation to all the players,
We cast the inactive every 10 to 8 races.
Any questions send me messages
User: https://igpmanager.com/app/d=profile&manager=498691&tab=overvie
I speak 2 languages Spanish and English.
Thank you for reading and viewing this post.