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car has reset to basic points

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medal 5000
7 years 234 days ago
It Shows july 2-july 6 you were with (Drivers and Suppliers) league and now it shows you had your first race and the league of (Silverstone)
medal 5088
7 years 234 days ago
ID didnt skeep league IT just endet and new was startet.

Jonas, I'm looking at what leagues you've been in and you joined a new league today, which explains why your car design is reset.
medal 5000
7 years 234 days ago
Thats right, i skeept som leagues. But the situation i was thalking about was when i were in f3000 league. The season endet and then i didnt get my points..
Thats why i startet to skeep leagues in first place.
I am full awaer of, that if i skeep a league then my points would be reset.

medal 5088
7 years 233 days ago
It's really hard to tell what your design was if you just say the design progress was very low. Can you provide some numbers on what the design progress was? I imagine you can't remember now since you've changed leagues so many times.
medal 5000
7 years 233 days ago
Slow building of the car! could be caused by researching all at once. For example, 24 points spread out 3 points each area versus 24 points on one area.
medal 5000
7 years 233 days ago
I cant precisli rember the eksakt points now, and it dosent matter now becaus i have skept league 3 times now sins then. I just wantet to report it as a bug.
But i was frome the top and down.
8 7 4 7 7 7 7 7 that just semt pretty low for a new season start in elite at level 11.
medal 5000
7 years 233 days ago
Additionally important things to know would be how many stars your CD(s) had on average during the races the season before and did you get promoted (I believe not given the points). Since it looks like you just finished a whole elite season it's really very few design points, unless the CD was really low.
medal 5000
7 years 233 days ago
Might of been one of the leagues Jack had to manually restart, it's around the time period. But everyone in the league had the same problem.
medal 5000
7 years 233 days ago
my cd was at level 11 an full stared, and was at level 11 manager. and yes i finished a hole season in elite. And because off that i also thought i seamt pretty low.
medal 5088
7 years 232 days ago
James answer is the correct one.

There was a one-time error that caused dismal design points going into a new season around the end of June, start of July.

Good eye James!
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