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Practice Bug

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medal 5000
7 years 196 days ago
Hello! So the 'optimal setup' is the one which lets you get the lower time? In this case the complain of the driver is ok because the driver gives the feedback based on his skills, thus not the real optimal one but the one he thinks to be the best. Am I correct? Thanks. Ciao.
medal 5088
7 years 188 days ago
Hello! So the 'optimal setup' is the one which lets you get the lower time? In this case the complain of the driver is ok because the driver gives the feedback based on his skills, thus not the real optimal one but the one he thinks to be the best. Am I correct? Thanks. Ciao.

It is a bug, the driver has the ideal set up, I think he should be saying it is perfect.

Merging 7961 and 8483 into 7959.
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