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Transfer market

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medal 5000
6 years 347 days ago
Perhaps, it could probably be a topic to revisit as the situation cools off.

Has it cooled off? I am absolutely not down to LOSE tokens for a bid on a driver. Having them held back for as long as you are bidding is OK but I just lost around 20 tokens because I thought I'd get them back if I didn't win the bidding. You know, like real auctions work. You don't win the auction, you don't lose money... This is a big NO for me and some other people I've talked with about this game also had the same situation. They turned their back to the game just after starting it.
If the problem with the exploiters is still there (the thread is half a year old at last) - Suggestion: Have an algorithm that detects whether or not a player is PLAYING a game or just on the transfer market. Or the email verification thing. But please change SOMETHING because this game is already getting on my nerves. I just started playing it and everything else is so enjoyable. For now, it is the safest bet to just buy the driver right when he is in, without any bidding. Because you'll definitely lose more than 9 tokens when you bid.

Hi Lennart, sorry for the late reply. The topic you are discussing is very different from the topic being discussed in this thread.

Regarding your comments, it's been addressed by Jack before, the founder and owner of iGP. I don't think we will be allowing tokens to be returned for lost auctions in the foreseeable future. I'll do my best to explain again why returning tokens after an auction is a bad idea. It's been a while since I've had to explain it though.

Returning tokens after an auction would definitely be realistic. However, when it comes to a game, it is very different from the real world — there is no materialized risk(other than buying tokens). Players with more tokens will succeed in hoarding the best drivers and staff, leaving behind less desirable employees on the market that nobody wants.

By not returning tokens at the end of an auction, every single player, regardless of how many tokens they have, now has to think twice if it's worth bidding on a employee or not. It keeps the risk factor there, keeps the game very much away from being 'pay-to-win' and allows the Transfers system to be balanced and equal for everybody. Everybody has the freedom of choice to gamble on spending one token in hopes of winning an auction and saving on 8 tokens, or can play it safe and wait for somebody to come along and buy them for 9 tokens.

I added 14 tokens back to your account since we have not made it more clear that tokens spent on bidding aren't returned if an auction is lost.
If you know which friends did not know this either, I'll gladly send them back the tokens spent on bidding as well.

Hey man, first of all thank you for the kind refund. Cool move from you.
I can totally understand your ideas about tokens you lose for bidding. Makes sense now. Maybe there's a way to find this out without losing your tokens? Short info text for first-time bidders, like the ones you see when you enter the sections for the first time. They were great and helped a lot.
Have a good day!
medal 5000
6 years 347 days ago
I’m losing tokens even if I lost the bid. Why? Already lost 13 Tolkiens. If you lose you should receive it back. Not fair!
medal 5088
6 years 346 days ago
I’m losing tokens even if I lost the bid. Why? Already lost 13 Tolkiens. If you lose you should receive it back. Not fair!

Hi Bruce, you can read the response I wrote to Lennart about why tokens aren't returned after losing auctions.
medal 5088
6 years 346 days ago
Perhaps, it could probably be a topic to revisit as the situation cools off.

Has it cooled off? I am absolutely not down to LOSE tokens for a bid on a driver. Having them held back for as long as you are bidding is OK but I just lost around 20 tokens because I thought I'd get them back if I didn't win the bidding. You know, like real auctions work. You don't win the auction, you don't lose money... This is a big NO for me and some other people I've talked with about this game also had the same situation. They turned their back to the game just after starting it.
If the problem with the exploiters is still there (the thread is half a year old at last) - Suggestion: Have an algorithm that detects whether or not a player is PLAYING a game or just on the transfer market. Or the email verification thing. But please change SOMETHING because this game is already getting on my nerves. I just started playing it and everything else is so enjoyable. For now, it is the safest bet to just buy the driver right when he is in, without any bidding. Because you'll definitely lose more than 9 tokens when you bid.

Hi Lennart, sorry for the late reply. The topic you are discussing is very different from the topic being discussed in this thread.

Regarding your comments, it's been addressed by Jack before, the founder and owner of iGP. I don't think we will be allowing tokens to be returned for lost auctions in the foreseeable future. I'll do my best to explain again why returning tokens after an auction is a bad idea. It's been a while since I've had to explain it though.

Returning tokens after an auction would definitely be realistic. However, when it comes to a game, it is very different from the real world — there is no materialized risk(other than buying tokens). Players with more tokens will succeed in hoarding the best drivers and staff, leaving behind less desirable employees on the market that nobody wants.

By not returning tokens at the end of an auction, every single player, regardless of how many tokens they have, now has to think twice if it's worth bidding on a employee or not. It keeps the risk factor there, keeps the game very much away from being 'pay-to-win' and allows the Transfers system to be balanced and equal for everybody. Everybody has the freedom of choice to gamble on spending one token in hopes of winning an auction and saving on 8 tokens, or can play it safe and wait for somebody to come along and buy them for 9 tokens.

I added 14 tokens back to your account since we have not made it more clear that tokens spent on bidding aren't returned if an auction is lost.
If you know which friends did not know this either, I'll gladly send them back the tokens spent on bidding as well.

Hey man, first of all thank you for the kind refund. Cool move from you.
I can totally understand your ideas about tokens you lose for bidding. Makes sense now. Maybe there's a way to find this out without losing your tokens? Short info text for first-time bidders, like the ones you see when you enter the sections for the first time. They were great and helped a lot.
Have a good day!

We'll definitely be working to add something like you mention, a short info text that will appear in an obvious spot, much like the info text buttons you can hover over throughout the game.
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